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Florida Learning Disability Research Center

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Examining Associations Among ADHD, Homework Behavior, and Reading Comprehension
Examining Associations Among ADHD, Homework Behavior, and Reading Comprehension
Examining General and Specific Factors in the Dimensionality of Oral Language and Reading in 4th-10th Grades.
Examining General and Specific Factors in the Dimensionality of Oral Language and Reading in 4th-10th Grades.
Examining agreement and longitudinal stability among traditional and RTI-based definitions of reading disability using the affected-status agreement statistic.
Examining agreement and longitudinal stability among traditional and RTI-based definitions of reading disability using the affected-status agreement statistic.
Examining the Factor Structure and Structural Invariance of the PANAS Across Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults.
Examining the Factor Structure and Structural Invariance of the PANAS Across Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults.
Examining the Relationships of Component Reading Skills to Reading Comprehension in Struggling Adult Readers
Examining the Relationships of Component Reading Skills to Reading Comprehension in Struggling Adult Readers
Examining the Underlying Dimensions of Morphological Awareness and Vocabulary Knowledge.
Examining the Underlying Dimensions of Morphological Awareness and Vocabulary Knowledge.
Examining the contribution of handwriting and spelling to written expression in kindergarten children.
Examining the contribution of handwriting and spelling to written expression in kindergarten children.
Examining the dimensionality of effortful control in preschool children and its relation to academic and socioemotional indicators.
Examining the dimensionality of effortful control in preschool children and its relation to academic and socioemotional indicators.
Examining the etiological associations among higher-order temperament dimensions.
Examining the etiological associations among higher-order temperament dimensions.
Examining the factor structure and etiology of prosociality.
Examining the factor structure and etiology of prosociality.
Examining the genetic and environmental associations among spelling, reading fluency, reading comprehension and a high stakes reading test in a combined sample of third and fourth grade students.
Examining the genetic and environmental associations among spelling, reading fluency, reading comprehension and a high stakes reading test in a combined sample of third and fourth grade students.
Examining the measurement precision and invariance of the revised get ready to read!
Examining the measurement precision and invariance of the revised get ready to read!
Examining the predictive relations between two aspects of self-regulation and growth in preschool children's early literacy skills.
Examining the predictive relations between two aspects of self-regulation and growth in preschool children's early literacy skills.
Examining the relations between self-regulation and achievement in third grade students.
Examining the relations between self-regulation and achievement in third grade students.
Examining transactional influences between reading achievement and antisocially-behaving friends.
Examining transactional influences between reading achievement and antisocially-behaving friends.
Executive Function Among Preschool Children
Executive Function Among Preschool Children
Executive function of Spanish-speaking language-minority preschoolers
Executive function of Spanish-speaking language-minority preschoolers
Expanding the developmental models of writing
Expanding the developmental models of writing
Expanding the environment
Expanding the environment
Exploration of anxiety sensitivity and distress tolerance as vulnerability factors for hoarding behaviors.
Exploration of anxiety sensitivity and distress tolerance as vulnerability factors for hoarding behaviors.
