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202 items found in 2 collections [showing 1 - 50]


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2012 Accomplishments
2012 Accomplishments
Development of an operational oil model
Development of an operational oil model
Deep-C Geomorphology
Deep-C Geomorphology
Ocean Response to Hurricane Ivan and Isaac over the DeSoto Canyon Region
Ocean Response to Hurricane Ivan and Isaac over the DeSoto Canyon Region
Depth-mediated differences in trophic ecology and mercury contomination in six species of sharks in DeSoto Canyon
Depth-mediated differences in trophic ecology and mercury contomination in six species of sharks in DeSoto Canyon
Long-Term, Interdisciplinary Study of Deep Sea to Coast Connectivity in the Northeasten Gulf of Mexico
Long-Term, Interdisciplinary Study of Deep Sea to Coast Connectivity in the Northeasten Gulf of Mexico
Preliminary Assessment of Sediment Macrofaunal Community Structure in Desoto Canyon, Following the Horizon Oil Spill
Preliminary Assessment of Sediment Macrofaunal Community Structure in Desoto Canyon, Following the Horizon Oil Spill
Northeastern Gulf of Mexico Microbiological DNA Biodiversity Observations
Northeastern Gulf of Mexico Microbiological DNA Biodiversity Observations
Scientists in the Schools Fact Sheet
Scientists in the Schools Fact Sheet
Geomorphology and Habitat of a Shelf Break Canyon Off Pensacola, Florida
Geomorphology and Habitat of a Shelf Break Canyon Off Pensacola, Florida
Analysis of Bragg Scattering of Oil Types Under Radar Microwaves
Analysis of Bragg Scattering of Oil Types Under Radar Microwaves
Year 1: Progress
Year 1: Progress
Year 1: Progress
Year 1: Progress
Physical Oceanography
Physical Oceanography
Poster Session: Earth System Modeling
Poster Session: Earth System Modeling
Year 1: Progress
Year 1: Progress
Spatial and Temporal Variations in the Community Structure of Marine Archaea: The Gulf of Mexico
Spatial and Temporal Variations in the Community Structure of Marine Archaea: The Gulf of Mexico
Compliance with Master Research Agreement Date Policies
Compliance with Master Research Agreement Date Policies
Activity Report Y2Q3
Activity Report Y2Q3
What's New at the Deep-C Date Center
What's New at the Deep-C Date Center
Demersal fish assemblages associated with Desoto Canyon and the continental slope of the eastern Gulf of Mexico
Demersal fish assemblages associated with Desoto Canyon and the continental slope of the eastern Gulf of Mexico
Major Findings/Accomplishments
Major Findings/Accomplishments
Activity Report Y1Q2
Activity Report Y1Q2
Year 1: Progress
Year 1: Progress
Physical Oceanography Observations in Deep-C
Physical Oceanography Observations in Deep-C
Ecological Processes, Food Web Model
Ecological Processes, Food Web Model
Ecological Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Discharge on Sedimentary Microbial Communities of DeSoto Canyon, Gulf of Mexico
Ecological Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Discharge on Sedimentary Microbial Communities of DeSoto Canyon, Gulf of Mexico
Activity Report Y3Q1
Activity Report Y3Q1
Influence of Sea Surface Temperature Gradient and Roughness Changes on the Motion of Surface Oil in a Simple Idealized Study
Influence of Sea Surface Temperature Gradient and Roughness Changes on the Motion of Surface Oil in a Simple Idealized Study
Characterization of the Water-Soluble and Interfacially Active Species from the Deepwater Horizon Crude by Electrospray lonization FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry
Characterization of the Water-Soluble and Interfacially Active Species from the Deepwater Horizon Crude by Electrospray lonization FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry
Consortium Participants: Deep-C Quarterly Report Y1Q1
Consortium Participants: Deep-C Quarterly Report Y1Q1
Phytoplankton Associations in the Vicinity of DeSoto Canyon, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
Phytoplankton Associations in the Vicinity of DeSoto Canyon, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
Activity Report Y1Q2
Activity Report Y1Q2
Student and Post-Doctoral Participants: Deep-C Quarterly Report Y1Q1
Student and Post-Doctoral Participants: Deep-C Quarterly Report Y1Q1
Loop Current Statistics from a Multi-Decadal HYCOM Simulation
Loop Current Statistics from a Multi-Decadal HYCOM Simulation
Erosion Chennels at the DeSoto Canyon
Erosion Chennels at the DeSoto Canyon
Characterization of the Florida Panhandle Shelf
Characterization of the Florida Panhandle Shelf
Deep-C Consortium February 2013 "All Hands" Meeting Evaluation Survey
Deep-C Consortium February 2013 "All Hands" Meeting Evaluation Survey
Activity Report Y1Q4
Activity Report Y1Q4
Proposed Deep-C Archival Project for Diginole Commons
Proposed Deep-C Archival Project for Diginole Commons
Oil Spill Research in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
Oil Spill Research in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
Using Mercury Isotip Fractionation to Study the Impacts of Mercury Cycling from a Massive Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Using Mercury Isotip Fractionation to Study the Impacts of Mercury Cycling from a Massive Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Oil-Eating Microbes in the Gulf of Mexico: A Deep-C Consortium Fact Sheet
Oil-Eating Microbes in the Gulf of Mexico: A Deep-C Consortium Fact Sheet
Deep Sea to Coast Connectivity in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico: Deep-C Annual Report
Deep Sea to Coast Connectivity in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico: Deep-C Annual Report
Biogeochemical Radiocarbon Analysis of the Gulf Oil Spill: Sediments, Plankton and Coastal Fauna. Or Tracers in the Gulf
Biogeochemical Radiocarbon Analysis of the Gulf Oil Spill: Sediments, Plankton and Coastal Fauna. Or Tracers in the Gulf
Deep-C Consortium September 2014 Student Research Symposium Survey
Deep-C Consortium September 2014 Student Research Symposium Survey
Deep-C Date Center
Deep-C Date Center
FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry 2012 Deep-C Progress
FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry 2012 Deep-C Progress
Deep-C Pre-Internship Survey (for Graduate Students)
Deep-C Pre-Internship Survey (for Graduate Students)
Deep-C Post-Internship Survey (for Graduate Students)
Deep-C Post-Internship Survey (for Graduate Students)
