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24 items found in 2 collections [showing 1 - 24]
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Long-Term, Interdisciplinary Study of Deep Sea to Coast Connectivity in the Northeasten Gulf of Mexico
Long-Term, Interdisciplinary Study of Deep Sea to Coast Connectivity in the Northeasten Gulf of Mexico
Northeastern Gulf of Mexico Microbiological DNA Biodiversity Observations
Northeastern Gulf of Mexico Microbiological DNA Biodiversity Observations
Poster Session: Earth System Modeling
Poster Session: Earth System Modeling
Compliance with Master Research Agreement Date Policies
Compliance with Master Research Agreement Date Policies
Ecological Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Discharge on Sedimentary Microbial Communities of DeSoto Canyon, Gulf of Mexico
Ecological Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Discharge on Sedimentary Microbial Communities of DeSoto Canyon, Gulf of Mexico
Characterization of the Florida Panhandle Shelf
Characterization of the Florida Panhandle Shelf
Deep Sea to Coast Connectivity in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico: Deep-C Annual Report
Deep Sea to Coast Connectivity in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico: Deep-C Annual Report
Earth System Modeling Task Overview
Earth System Modeling Task Overview
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Microbial Community Structure on the NW Florida Panhandle Bight Shelf
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Microbial Community Structure on the NW Florida Panhandle Bight Shelf
Shelf/Slope Geomorphology, Sedimentary Processes, and Habitat - Results from Year 1 and Plans for Year 2
Shelf/Slope Geomorphology, Sedimentary Processes, and Habitat - Results from Year 1 and Plans for Year 2
Preliminary Results of Photographic Survey of DeSoto Canyon
Preliminary Results of Photographic Survey of DeSoto Canyon
Time-Series of Surface Oil Distribution Based on SAR and Regional Difference in Megafauna Abundance Related to Geomorphology and Depth Gradients in DeSoto Canyon
Time-Series of Surface Oil Distribution Based on SAR and Regional Difference in Megafauna Abundance Related to Geomorphology and Depth Gradients in DeSoto Canyon
Poster Session: Geomorphic & Physical Oceanographic Processes
Poster Session: Geomorphic & Physical Oceanographic Processes
Deep-C Consortium: A Long-Term, Interdisciplinary Study of Deep Sea to Coast Connectivity in the Northeasten Gulf of Mexico
Deep-C Consortium: A Long-Term, Interdisciplinary Study of Deep Sea to Coast Connectivity in the Northeasten Gulf of Mexico
Poster Session: Biogeochemical Processes
Poster Session: Biogeochemical Processes
Poster Session: Biogeochemical Processes
Poster Session: Biogeochemical Processes
Deep Sea to Coast Connectivity in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico: Deep-C Annual Report
Deep Sea to Coast Connectivity in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico: Deep-C Annual Report
Deep-C Annual Report: Deep Sea to Coast Connectivity in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
Deep-C Annual Report: Deep Sea to Coast Connectivity in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
Preliminary Assessment of Desoto Canyon Sediment Macrofauna: Comparison to Baseline
Preliminary Assessment of Desoto Canyon Sediment Macrofauna: Comparison to Baseline
Recent Results with the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave Prediction System in the Gulf of Mexico
Recent Results with the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave Prediction System in the Gulf of Mexico
Gulf Research Initiative Information and Date Cooper (GRIIDC)
Gulf Research Initiative Information and Date Cooper (GRIIDC)