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8 items found in 2 collections [showing 1 - 8]
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Oppositional defiant disorder dimensions
Oppositional defiant disorder dimensions
Negative affect shares genetic and environmental influences with symptoms of childhood internalizing and externalizing disorders.
Negative affect shares genetic and environmental influences with symptoms of childhood internalizing and externalizing disorders.
Common genetic and nonshared environmental factors contribute to the association between socioemotional dispositions and the externalizing factor in children.
Common genetic and nonshared environmental factors contribute to the association between socioemotional dispositions and the externalizing factor in children.
update on the Florida State Twin Registry.
update on the Florida State Twin Registry.
Examining the etiological associations among higher-order temperament dimensions.
Examining the etiological associations among higher-order temperament dimensions.
Examining transactional influences between reading achievement and antisocially-behaving friends.
Examining transactional influences between reading achievement and antisocially-behaving friends.
Examining the factor structure and etiology of prosociality.
Examining the factor structure and etiology of prosociality.
Home Environmental and Behavioral Risk Indices for Reading Achievement.
Home Environmental and Behavioral Risk Indices for Reading Achievement.