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7 items found in 4 collections [showing 1 - 7]
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Rate of growth of preschool-age children's oral language and decoding skills predicts beginning writing ability
Rate of growth of preschool-age children's oral language and decoding skills predicts beginning writing ability
How Many Letters Should Preschoolers in Public Programs Know? The Diagnostic Efficiency of Various Preschool Letter-Naming Benchmarks for Predicting First-Grade Literacy Achievement.
How Many Letters Should Preschoolers in Public Programs Know? The Diagnostic Efficiency of Various Preschool Letter-Naming Benchmarks for Predicting First-Grade Literacy Achievement.
IRTs of the ABCs
IRTs of the ABCs
Do Children's Learning-Related Behaviors Moderate the Impacts of an Empirically-Validated Early Literacy Intervention?
Do Children's Learning-Related Behaviors Moderate the Impacts of an Empirically-Validated Early Literacy Intervention?
Developing Early Literacy Skills
Developing Early Literacy Skills
Fostering Alphabet Knowledge Development
Fostering Alphabet Knowledge Development
Learning letter names and sounds
Learning letter names and sounds