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10 items found in 3 collections [showing 1 - 10]
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Physical Oceanography Observations in Deep-C
Physical Oceanography Observations in Deep-C
Global Observations Of Horizontal Mixing From Argo Float And Surface Drifter Trajectories
Global Observations Of Horizontal Mixing From Argo Float And Surface Drifter Trajectories
Metrics For The Evaluation Of The Southern Ocean In Coupled Climate Models And Earth System Models
Metrics For The Evaluation Of The Southern Ocean In Coupled Climate Models And Earth System Models
Physical Oceanography in Deep-C
Physical Oceanography in Deep-C
Analysis of Observations to Understand the Physics of the Connectivity Between the Deep Sea and the Coast Through the DeSoto Canyon
Analysis of Observations to Understand the Physics of the Connectivity Between the Deep Sea and the Coast Through the DeSoto Canyon
Laboratory investigation of the DeSoto canyon and its influence in the deep ocean exchange with the shelf
Laboratory investigation of the DeSoto canyon and its influence in the deep ocean exchange with the shelf
The Antarctic Slope Current near 30 degrees E
The Antarctic Slope Current near 30 degrees E
Dynamics Of Deep Ocean Eastern Boundary Currents
Dynamics Of Deep Ocean Eastern Boundary Currents
Deep-C DeSoto Canyon Moorings: Overview of Measurements an Preliminary Results
Deep-C DeSoto Canyon Moorings: Overview of Measurements an Preliminary Results
Horizontal mixing in the Southern Ocean from Argo float trajectories
Horizontal mixing in the Southern Ocean from Argo float trajectories