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5 items found in 2 collections [showing 1 - 5]
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Phi Meson Production In The Forward/backward Rapidity Region In Cu Plus Au Collisions At Root S(nn)=200 Gev
Phi Meson Production In The Forward/backward Rapidity Region In Cu Plus Au Collisions At Root S(nn)=200 Gev
Measurement Of Emission-angle Anisotropy Via Long-range Angular Correlations With High-pt Hadrons In D Plus Au And P Plus P Collisions At Root S(nn)=200 Gev
Measurement Of Emission-angle Anisotropy Via Long-range Angular Correlations With High-pt Hadrons In D Plus Au And P Plus P Collisions At Root S(nn)=200 Gev
Effects of a Multi-ingredient Dietary Supplement on Body Composition, Adipokines,          Blood Lipids, and Metabolic Health in Overweight and Obese Men and Women
Effects of a Multi-ingredient Dietary Supplement on Body Composition, Adipokines, Blood Lipids, and Metabolic Health in Overweight and Obese Men and Women
Centrality-Dependent Modification of Jet-Production Rates in Deuteron-Gold Collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV
Centrality-Dependent Modification of Jet-Production Rates in Deuteron-Gold Collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV
Transverse Energy Production And Charged-particle Multiplicity At Midrapidity In Various Systems From Root S(nn)=7.7 To 200 Gev
Transverse Energy Production And Charged-particle Multiplicity At Midrapidity In Various Systems From Root S(nn)=7.7 To 200 Gev