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53 items found in 6 collections [showing 1 - 50]


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Loan agreement check
Loan agreement check
Notes due to the Apalachicola Land Company
Notes due to the Apalachicola Land Company
Receipt of Notes - Leone & Wakulla
Receipt of Notes - Leone & Wakulla
DW Gwynn's account with estate of Mary Walker
DW Gwynn's account with estate of Mary Walker
Account Pages
Account Pages
JPB and Geo W Walker Admins
JPB and Geo W Walker Admins
Plantation and Farm Instruction, Regulation, Record Inventory and Account Book for the use of the managers on the Estate of Philip St. Geo. Cocke
Plantation and Farm Instruction, Regulation, Record Inventory and Account Book for the use of the managers on the Estate of Philip St. Geo. Cocke
Itinerant Ministry Journal and Ledger
Itinerant Ministry Journal and Ledger
Sterns account page
Sterns account page
Property of Fred Ladd account book
Property of Fred Ladd account book
D.S. Walker
D.S. Walker
Estimate of value of estate of GK Walker
Estimate of value of estate of GK Walker
Receiver of John Beard for notes
Receiver of John Beard for notes
Memo of cash
Memo of cash
Ladd Account Book, Lands in Forbes Purchase
Ladd Account Book, Lands in Forbes Purchase
Bill from Betton's Book Store
Bill from Betton's Book Store
Set of checks
Set of checks
J. & N. Hamlin Land Heirs accounts with Daniel Ladd
J. & N. Hamlin Land Heirs accounts with Daniel Ladd
Notes in Major Beards Report
Notes in Major Beards Report
Set of checks
Set of checks
I have this day received the following notes...
I have this day received the following notes...
Major Beard receipts
Major Beard receipts
Account sheet, Dr. J.C. Walker
Account sheet, Dr. J.C. Walker
Check to James Williamson
Check to James Williamson
Accounts page, U.S. Marshal sale of lands in Wakulla County, Florida
Accounts page, U.S. Marshal sale of lands in Wakulla County, Florida
Notes on John Beard's Report
Notes on John Beard's Report
JC Walker to Sterns
JC Walker to Sterns
Account sheet, Dr. Geo. C. Walker
Account sheet, Dr. Geo. C. Walker
Invoice, Wakulla Camp to Daniel Ladd
Invoice, Wakulla Camp to Daniel Ladd
Receipt of accounts
Receipt of accounts
Accounts pages
Accounts pages
As to Surveys and Sales by GKW
As to Surveys and Sales by GKW
Record of accounts with various persons
Record of accounts with various persons
List of duplicate agreements...
List of duplicate agreements...
Ulysses B. Roach Farm Accounts, 1896
Ulysses B. Roach Farm Accounts, 1896
Account Page
Account Page
List of notes turned over to John Beard to review for George K. Walker
List of notes turned over to John Beard to review for George K. Walker
Account Pages
Account Pages
Major John Beards Receipt for Notes - Leone & Wakulla
Major John Beards Receipt for Notes - Leone & Wakulla
Ellis Rear to Walker to Curtis
Ellis Rear to Walker to Curtis
Ulysses B. Roach Farm Accounts, 1883-1888
Ulysses B. Roach Farm Accounts, 1883-1888
JW and GK Walker copy of accounts page
JW and GK Walker copy of accounts page
Record of Wakulla Plantation account with Epping Hanserd & Co.
Record of Wakulla Plantation account with Epping Hanserd & Co.
Account sheets
Account sheets
Statement from Geo. H. Meginniss
Statement from Geo. H. Meginniss
Major Beard receipts of cash
Major Beard receipts of cash
Copy of a list of notes given by George K. Walker to John Beard for criticism
Copy of a list of notes given by George K. Walker to John Beard for criticism
Account Current by Administrators, etc, 1838-1844
Account Current by Administrators, etc, 1838-1844
Account sheets
Account sheets
Set of account pages
Set of account pages
