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20 items found in 12 collections [showing 1 - 20]
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Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives
Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives
Dirac Cone in two dimensional bilayer graphene by intercalation with V, Nb, and Ta transition metals
Dirac Cone in two dimensional bilayer graphene by intercalation with V, Nb, and Ta transition metals
 Evaluating Appearance-Based Education on Sunscreen Knowledge and Use in Young Adults
Evaluating Appearance-Based Education on Sunscreen Knowledge and Use in Young Adults
Is Immigration Sustainable in the Republic of Panama?
Is Immigration Sustainable in the Republic of Panama?
Are cetaceans neuroanatomically sophisticated? Absolute brain size may be the key.
Are cetaceans neuroanatomically sophisticated? Absolute brain size may be the key.
Impact of Cognitively Guided Instruction on Elementary School Mathematics Achievement
Impact of Cognitively Guided Instruction on Elementary School Mathematics Achievement
Silence is Golden
Silence is Golden
Equipping Nurses to Better Manage Mental Health Issues in Florida Schools
Equipping Nurses to Better Manage Mental Health Issues in Florida Schools
Tariffs and their Impact on Global Trade and Local Economies
Tariffs and their Impact on Global Trade and Local Economies
Assessment and Screening of Depression in Heart Failure Patients
Assessment and Screening of Depression in Heart Failure Patients
Older Adults’ Perceptions of Differences in Levels of Services Provided by Emergency Rooms
Older Adults’ Perceptions of Differences in Levels of Services Provided by Emergency Rooms
Macros to Conduct Tests of Multimodality in SAS
Macros to Conduct Tests of Multimodality in SAS
Interprofessional Collaboration
Interprofessional Collaboration
Descriptive Study to Examine the Relationship between Preoperative Gabapentin Dose, Postoperative Pain, and its Effect on Sedation
Descriptive Study to Examine the Relationship between Preoperative Gabapentin Dose, Postoperative Pain, and its Effect on Sedation
Silence is Golden
Silence is Golden
Queering A.A. Procter: A Book Trace of Legends & Lyrics
Queering A.A. Procter: A Book Trace of Legends & Lyrics
Fast Science, Slow Science
Fast Science, Slow Science
Evaluating Barriers to Learning and Performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in a Rural Community with a High Prevalence of Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrests
Evaluating Barriers to Learning and Performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in a Rural Community with a High Prevalence of Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrests
Teachers' Learning of Teaching With Multiple Strategies
Teachers' Learning of Teaching With Multiple Strategies
 Infant Mental Health Education for Neonatal Intensive Care Nurses
Infant Mental Health Education for Neonatal Intensive Care Nurses