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27 items found in 12 collections [showing 1 - 27]
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"O, you're so sweet! And those beautiful eyes! By that tricky cook I was hypnotized."
"O, you're so sweet! And those beautiful eyes! By that tricky cook I was hypnotized."
"Ah ha! I see why I'm forbidden the kitchen, It's because the cook is so bewitchin'."
"Ah ha! I see why I'm forbidden the kitchen, It's because the cook is so bewitchin'."
Oh! the madam's face in the mirror shown, As he beheld the phantom of his own.
Oh! the madam's face in the mirror shown, As he beheld the phantom of his own.
Minutes of the First Meeting of the Original Members of the Monticello Graveyard Association
Minutes of the First Meeting of the Original Members of the Monticello Graveyard Association
East Hall
East Hall
Housekeeping begins with a naive French cook, "She's a dandy," thought the husband when he took a look.
Housekeeping begins with a naive French cook, "She's a dandy," thought the husband when he took a look.
College Hall
College Hall
Library in College Hall
Library in College Hall
Argo 1903
Argo 1903
"Wait a moment till I see what those hand prints mean! You have been to the kitchen, it's plain to be seen."
"Wait a moment till I see what those hand prints mean! You have been to the kitchen, it's plain to be seen."
Forty-Sixth Annual Session of the Florida State College. Catalogue 1902-1903. Announcement Forty-seventh Annual Session, 1903-1904
Forty-Sixth Annual Session of the Florida State College. Catalogue 1902-1903. Announcement Forty-seventh Annual Session, 1903-1904
Soldiers of Florida in the Seminole Indian, civil and Spanish-American wars
Soldiers of Florida in the Seminole Indian, civil and Spanish-American wars
"Au Revoir! Mr. Brown, a helping hand I know you'll lend, If I should need a recommend."
"Au Revoir! Mr. Brown, a helping hand I know you'll lend, If I should need a recommend."
West Hall
West Hall
Composite Photograph of Staff at Florida State College
Composite Photograph of Staff at Florida State College
Bradford family genealogical information
Bradford family genealogical information
Record of accounts with various persons
Record of accounts with various persons
"Oh, you wretch! this I shall not endure. I shall fire that flirt and a divorce procure."
"Oh, you wretch! this I shall not endure. I shall fire that flirt and a divorce procure."
Extra Christmas Part of the Girl's Own Paper
Extra Christmas Part of the Girl's Own Paper
Florida farm
Florida farm
"I'm sure Massa Brown will prefer my apple pies, And I'll not git fired fo' makin' goo goo eyes."
"I'm sure Massa Brown will prefer my apple pies, And I'll not git fired fo' makin' goo goo eyes."
"You brazen huzzy! You shall leave at this hour! And the least of your fault is the wasted flour."
"You brazen huzzy! You shall leave at this hour! And the least of your fault is the wasted flour."
West Hall
West Hall
Puss in boots
Puss in boots
"Oh! You musn't, Mr. Brown. If the madam should see, What in the world would become of me?"
"Oh! You musn't, Mr. Brown. If the madam should see, What in the world would become of me?"
You didn't do it? Look--don't tell me so! I'll give you just five minutes to pack and go.
You didn't do it? Look--don't tell me so! I'll give you just five minutes to pack and go.
"French cooks are the dearest one can hire, But they're the kind I thoroughly admire."
"French cooks are the dearest one can hire, But they're the kind I thoroughly admire."