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5 items found in collection [showing 1 - 5]
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Examining the predictive relations between two aspects of self-regulation and growth in preschool children's early literacy skills.
Examining the predictive relations between two aspects of self-regulation and growth in preschool children's early literacy skills.
Inhibitory Control of Spanish-Speaking Language-Minority Preschool Children
Inhibitory Control of Spanish-Speaking Language-Minority Preschool Children
Agreement Among Traditional and RTI-based Definitions of Reading-Related Learning Disability with Preschool Children.
Agreement Among Traditional and RTI-based Definitions of Reading-Related Learning Disability with Preschool Children.
Relations between response trajectories on the continuous performance test and teacher-rated problem behaviors in preschoolers.
Relations between response trajectories on the continuous performance test and teacher-rated problem behaviors in preschoolers.
Executive function of Spanish-speaking language-minority preschoolers
Executive function of Spanish-speaking language-minority preschoolers