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7 items found in collection [showing 1 - 7]
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Seasonality in Holobiont Photophysiology across Latitude
Seasonality in Holobiont Photophysiology across Latitude
Benthic Oxygen Flux Estimates for Carbonate Reef Sands Determined with an Improved Aquatic Eddy Covariance Instrument
Benthic Oxygen Flux Estimates for Carbonate Reef Sands Determined with an Improved Aquatic Eddy Covariance Instrument
Life History, Diet, and Reproductive Dynamics of the Sheepshead (Archosargus Probatocephalus) in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
Life History, Diet, and Reproductive Dynamics of the Sheepshead (Archosargus Probatocephalus) in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
Habitat Use and Ecological Connectivity in Imperiled, Highly Migratory Species
Habitat Use and Ecological Connectivity in Imperiled, Highly Migratory Species
Fate of the Mesophotic Coral Ecosystem (MCE) in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico after the Deepwater Horizon Incident
Fate of the Mesophotic Coral Ecosystem (MCE) in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico after the Deepwater Horizon Incident
Denitrification in the Uranium and Nitrate-Contaminated Terrestrial Subsurface
Denitrification in the Uranium and Nitrate-Contaminated Terrestrial Subsurface
Compliance of Dolphin Ecotours in Southwest Florida to the NOAA Marine Mammal Viewing Guidelines
Compliance of Dolphin Ecotours in Southwest Florida to the NOAA Marine Mammal Viewing Guidelines