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8 items found in collection [showing 1 - 8]
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Effects of High-Structure Cooperative versus Low-Structure Collaborative Design on Online Debate in Terms of Decision Making, Critical Thinking, and Interaction          Pattern
Effects of High-Structure Cooperative versus Low-Structure Collaborative Design on Online Debate in Terms of Decision Making, Critical Thinking, and Interaction Pattern
Effects of Seductive Augmentation and Agent Role on Learning Interest, Achievement, and Attitude
Effects of Seductive Augmentation and Agent Role on Learning Interest, Achievement, and Attitude
Effects of Agent Emotional Support and Cognitive Motivational Messages on Math          Anxiety, Learning, and Motivation
Effects of Agent Emotional Support and Cognitive Motivational Messages on Math Anxiety, Learning, and Motivation
Skill Acquisition in Ballet Dancers
Skill Acquisition in Ballet Dancers
Effects of Student Ratings Feedback on Instructional Practices, Teaching Effectiveness,          and Student Motivation
Effects of Student Ratings Feedback on Instructional Practices, Teaching Effectiveness, and Student Motivation
Effects of Reflective and Reflexive Writing Prompts on Students' Self-Regulation and Academic Performance
Effects of Reflective and Reflexive Writing Prompts on Students' Self-Regulation and Academic Performance
Effects of Pedagogical Agent-Delivered Persuasive Messages with Fear Appeal on Learners' Attitude Change
Effects of Pedagogical Agent-Delivered Persuasive Messages with Fear Appeal on Learners' Attitude Change
Effect of Assigned Achievement Goals, Self-Monitoring, Interest in the Subject          Matter, and Goal Orientations on Students' Computer Skill Achievement, Use of Learning          Strategies, and Computer Self-Efficacy Beliefs
Effect of Assigned Achievement Goals, Self-Monitoring, Interest in the Subject Matter, and Goal Orientations on Students' Computer Skill Achievement, Use of Learning Strategies, and Computer Self-Efficacy Beliefs