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17 items found in collection [showing 1 - 17]
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Differentiation of Obsessive-Compulsive, Anxiety Disordered and Non-Disordered Individuals by Variation in the Promoter Region of the Serotonin Transporter          Gene
Differentiation of Obsessive-Compulsive, Anxiety Disordered and Non-Disordered Individuals by Variation in the Promoter Region of the Serotonin Transporter Gene
Rapid Automatized Naming as a Predictor of Children's Reading Performance
Rapid Automatized Naming as a Predictor of Children's Reading Performance
Construct Validity of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire
Construct Validity of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire
Gender-Differentiated Manifestations of Impulsivity
Gender-Differentiated Manifestations of Impulsivity
Effects of Reduced Duration in-School Suspension on the Classroom Behavior of Elementary School Students
Effects of Reduced Duration in-School Suspension on the Classroom Behavior of Elementary School Students
Serial and Concurrent Intra-Program Objective Sequences for Children with Autism
Serial and Concurrent Intra-Program Objective Sequences for Children with Autism
Issues of Intent & Injury
Issues of Intent & Injury
Human Performance in an Advanced Security System Environment
Human Performance in an Advanced Security System Environment
Accuracy of Children's Perceptions and Their Peer Acceptance
Accuracy of Children's Perceptions and Their Peer Acceptance
Analysis of Safe Driving Behaviors
Analysis of Safe Driving Behaviors
Rate and Accuracy in Reading and Rapid Naming
Rate and Accuracy in Reading and Rapid Naming
Effectiveness of Self-Monitoring Interventions
Effectiveness of Self-Monitoring Interventions
Stress Generation and Its Relationship with Coping Style
Stress Generation and Its Relationship with Coping Style
Analysis of a Social Story Intervention to Increase Appropriate Social Interactions in          Children with Autism
Analysis of a Social Story Intervention to Increase Appropriate Social Interactions in Children with Autism
Social-Emotional Assessment of Deaf Children
Social-Emotional Assessment of Deaf Children
Employing Protocol Analysis in the Study of Visual Interpretation of Functional          Analysis Data
Employing Protocol Analysis in the Study of Visual Interpretation of Functional Analysis Data
College Students with Learning Disabilities
College Students with Learning Disabilities