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10 items found in collection [showing 1 - 10]
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Concsious Replay during Rest and Relational Processing
Concsious Replay during Rest and Relational Processing
Can Hand Position Enhance Target Detection in a Complex, Real-World Visual Search Task?
Can Hand Position Enhance Target Detection in a Complex, Real-World Visual Search Task?
Sex Ratio, Sociosexual Orientation, and Intrasexual Aggression
Sex Ratio, Sociosexual Orientation, and Intrasexual Aggression
Role of Trait Sociability, Peer Alcohol Use, and Alcohol-Related Consequences in the Trajectory of Alcohol Use
Role of Trait Sociability, Peer Alcohol Use, and Alcohol-Related Consequences in the Trajectory of Alcohol Use
Bilingual Advantage on Tasks of Interferernce Suppression and Response Inhibition Among Language Minority Youth
Bilingual Advantage on Tasks of Interferernce Suppression and Response Inhibition Among Language Minority Youth
Avoiding Interference
Avoiding Interference
Do Individual Differences in Attentional Control and Susceptibility to Distraction Predict Inattentional Blindness?
Do Individual Differences in Attentional Control and Susceptibility to Distraction Predict Inattentional Blindness?
Language Minority Children’s Sensitivity to the Semantic Relations Between Words
Language Minority Children’s Sensitivity to the Semantic Relations Between Words
Implicit Spatial Cues in Language
Implicit Spatial Cues in Language
Individual Differences
Individual Differences