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24 items found in collection [showing 1 - 24]
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Characterizing the Onset and Demise of the Indian Summer Monsoon
Characterizing the Onset and Demise of the Indian Summer Monsoon
Predictability of the Peninsular Florida Wet Season
Predictability of the Peninsular Florida Wet Season
Developing New Datasets to Evaluate Tropospheric Photochemistry and the Effects of Ozone Uptake in the Biosphere
Developing New Datasets to Evaluate Tropospheric Photochemistry and the Effects of Ozone Uptake in the Biosphere
Development and Evolution of Convective Bursts in WRF Simulations of Hurricanes Dean (2007) and Bill (2009)
Development and Evolution of Convective Bursts in WRF Simulations of Hurricanes Dean (2007) and Bill (2009)
Two-Way Feedback between Air-Sea Turbulent Fluxes and Oceanic Submesoscale Processes
Two-Way Feedback between Air-Sea Turbulent Fluxes and Oceanic Submesoscale Processes
On the Single-Scattering Properties of Realistic Snowflakes
On the Single-Scattering Properties of Realistic Snowflakes
Analysis and Explanation of the Representation of the 3-D Warm Core Structure in Tropical Cyclones across Various Reanalysis Datasets
Analysis and Explanation of the Representation of the 3-D Warm Core Structure in Tropical Cyclones across Various Reanalysis Datasets
Investigation of the Impacts of Greenland Ice Sheet Melting on the along-Shelf Flow on Greenland Shelves and the Labrador Sea Deep Convection
Investigation of the Impacts of Greenland Ice Sheet Melting on the along-Shelf Flow on Greenland Shelves and the Labrador Sea Deep Convection
Antarctic Coastal Current in the Bellingshausen Sea
Antarctic Coastal Current in the Bellingshausen Sea
Climate Variability of the Arctic from an Isentropic Potential Vorticity Perspective
Climate Variability of the Arctic from an Isentropic Potential Vorticity Perspective
Ice versus Liquid Water Saturation in Regional Climate Simulations of the Indian Summer Monsoon
Ice versus Liquid Water Saturation in Regional Climate Simulations of the Indian Summer Monsoon
Role of Equatorial Pacific Currents in El Nino and El Nino Prediction
Role of Equatorial Pacific Currents in El Nino and El Nino Prediction
Cloud Feedbacks and Convective Self-Aggregation in the Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Model Intercomparison Project
Cloud Feedbacks and Convective Self-Aggregation in the Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Model Intercomparison Project
HWRF Analysis and Forecast Impact of CYGNSS Observations Assimilated as Scalar Wind Speeds and as VAM Wind Vectors
HWRF Analysis and Forecast Impact of CYGNSS Observations Assimilated as Scalar Wind Speeds and as VAM Wind Vectors
Dynamics-Guided Analysis of Tropical Waves
Dynamics-Guided Analysis of Tropical Waves
Sensitivity of Convective Self-Aggregation and Tropical Cyclogenesis to Planetary Rotation
Sensitivity of Convective Self-Aggregation and Tropical Cyclogenesis to Planetary Rotation
Impacts of Model Coupling and Resolution on Air-Sea Fluxes for 1993 Superstorm
Impacts of Model Coupling and Resolution on Air-Sea Fluxes for 1993 Superstorm
Establishing Constraints on Carbon Dioxide Fluxes and Transport in a Changing Arctic Ocean Climate System
Establishing Constraints on Carbon Dioxide Fluxes and Transport in a Changing Arctic Ocean Climate System
New Inventory of Fire Emissions Estimates for the United States and Its Implications for Air Quality and Health
New Inventory of Fire Emissions Estimates for the United States and Its Implications for Air Quality and Health
Diagnosing Tropical Cyclone Risk Through the Development of a Landfall Index for the North Atlantic Basin
Diagnosing Tropical Cyclone Risk Through the Development of a Landfall Index for the North Atlantic Basin
Area- and Point-Based Verification of a New Multi-Hazard Severe Weather Index
Area- and Point-Based Verification of a New Multi-Hazard Severe Weather Index
Simulating the Impacts and Sensitivity of the Southeastern United States Climatology to Irrigation
Simulating the Impacts and Sensitivity of the Southeastern United States Climatology to Irrigation
Forecasting Prescribed Fires Using Weather Forecasts, Satellite Data, and Machine Learning
Forecasting Prescribed Fires Using Weather Forecasts, Satellite Data, and Machine Learning
Understanding the Evolution of Tropical Cyclones through the ψ ‒Χ Framework
Understanding the Evolution of Tropical Cyclones through the ψ ‒Χ Framework