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8 items found in collection [showing 1 - 8]
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Effects of Repeated Administration on Intensity Scales
Effects of Repeated Administration on Intensity Scales
Effects of Age and Concurrent Verbalization on Cognitive Task Performance
Effects of Age and Concurrent Verbalization on Cognitive Task Performance
Age-Related Changes in Information Processing on Tasks of Perceptual Speed
Age-Related Changes in Information Processing on Tasks of Perceptual Speed
Increasing Adherence in Aging Interventions Using Action Video Games by Adding a Social Component
Increasing Adherence in Aging Interventions Using Action Video Games by Adding a Social Component
Workspace Availability and Soft Constraints
Workspace Availability and Soft Constraints
Influences of Information Valence Manipulation on Aging Drivers' Attitudes Toward          Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous Vehicles
Influences of Information Valence Manipulation on Aging Drivers' Attitudes Toward Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous Vehicles
Age, Metamory, & Skill Acquisition
Age, Metamory, & Skill Acquisition
Effect of Age on Discounting of Technology-Related Learning
Effect of Age on Discounting of Technology-Related Learning