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6 items found in collection [showing 1 - 6]
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Gulf Stream Separation Dynamics
Gulf Stream Separation Dynamics
Carbon Dynamics in a Changing Arctic Landscape
Carbon Dynamics in a Changing Arctic Landscape
On Initializing CGCMs for Seasonal Predictability of ENSO
On Initializing CGCMs for Seasonal Predictability of ENSO
Using Lagrangian Model Simulations to Quantify the Sequestration Time of Remineralized CO2 in the California Current Ecosystem for Different Carbon Flux Pathways
Using Lagrangian Model Simulations to Quantify the Sequestration Time of Remineralized CO2 in the California Current Ecosystem for Different Carbon Flux Pathways
Investigation of the Relationship Between the Yucatan Channel Transport and the Loop Current Area in a Multi-Decadal Numerical Simulation
Investigation of the Relationship Between the Yucatan Channel Transport and the Loop Current Area in a Multi-Decadal Numerical Simulation
Contribution of Storm Waves to Bed Shear-Stress and Sediment Movement near the Florida Panhandle Coast
Contribution of Storm Waves to Bed Shear-Stress and Sediment Movement near the Florida Panhandle Coast