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15 items found in collection [showing 1 - 15]
  • CSV Spreadsheet
Sparse Feature and Element Selection in High-Dimensional Vector Autoregressive Models
Sparse Feature and Element Selection in High-Dimensional Vector Autoregressive Models
Class of Mixed-Distribution Models with Applications in Financial Data Analysis
Class of Mixed-Distribution Models with Applications in Financial Data Analysis
Time-Varying Mixture Models for Financial Risk Management
Time-Varying Mixture Models for Financial Risk Management
Bayesian Portfolio Optimization with Time-Varying Factor Models
Bayesian Portfolio Optimization with Time-Varying Factor Models
Semi-Parametric Generalized Estimating Equations with Kernel Smoother
Semi-Parametric Generalized Estimating Equations with Kernel Smoother
Valuing Negative Book Equity
Valuing Negative Book Equity
Influence of Organized Labor on Audit Quality and Internal Control
Influence of Organized Labor on Audit Quality and Internal Control
Disclosure Regulation and Firm Behavior
Disclosure Regulation and Firm Behavior
Effects of Regulatory and Statutory Reliefs on CECL Adopting Banks' Lending to Low-Income and Minority Borrowers
Effects of Regulatory and Statutory Reliefs on CECL Adopting Banks' Lending to Low-Income and Minority Borrowers
Restatements and the Distribution of Audit Office Resources
Restatements and the Distribution of Audit Office Resources
Does Comparability Restrict Opportunistic Accounting?
Does Comparability Restrict Opportunistic Accounting?
Industry Clustering and Accounting Information Quality
Industry Clustering and Accounting Information Quality
Tax Haven Incorporation and Financial Reporting Transparency
Tax Haven Incorporation and Financial Reporting Transparency
Volatility Matrix Estimation for High-Frequency Financial Data
Volatility Matrix Estimation for High-Frequency Financial Data
Does Economic Uncertainty about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 Affect Investors' Information Asymmetry?
Does Economic Uncertainty about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 Affect Investors' Information Asymmetry?