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103 items found in collection [showing 1 - 50]


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Prison Experiences, Social Ties, and Inmate Behavior
Prison Experiences, Social Ties, and Inmate Behavior
Florida's Evolving Sentencing Policy
Florida's Evolving Sentencing Policy
Examination of the Mediating Effects of Negative Emotionationality on the Relationship between Childhood Victimization and Juvenile Reoffending
Examination of the Mediating Effects of Negative Emotionationality on the Relationship between Childhood Victimization and Juvenile Reoffending
Psychopathy and Offending
Psychopathy and Offending
Immigrant Incarceration in Context
Immigrant Incarceration in Context
Contributions of Crime Salience and Economic Insecurity to Explanations of Punitive Attitudes Toward Crime, Welfare, and Immigration
Contributions of Crime Salience and Economic Insecurity to Explanations of Punitive Attitudes Toward Crime, Welfare, and Immigration
School-Level Moderators of Genetic Influences on Antisocial Behaviors
School-Level Moderators of Genetic Influences on Antisocial Behaviors
Paying the Price of Punitiveness
Paying the Price of Punitiveness
Effect of Parenthood on Reentry Outcomes
Effect of Parenthood on Reentry Outcomes
Do Judges' Experiences and Indelible Traits Influence Sentencing Decisions?
Do Judges' Experiences and Indelible Traits Influence Sentencing Decisions?
Where There's Smoke, Is There Always Fire?
Where There's Smoke, Is There Always Fire?
Juvenile Waivers in Tennessee
Juvenile Waivers in Tennessee
Social Threat and Punitiveness
Social Threat and Punitiveness
Crime Victim's Self-Protection
Crime Victim's Self-Protection
Moderating Effect of Formal Labeling on Informal Labeling and Adolescent Delinquency
Moderating Effect of Formal Labeling on Informal Labeling and Adolescent Delinquency
Inequality of Residential Opportunity
Inequality of Residential Opportunity
Social Identification and Public Opinion on White-Collar Crime
Social Identification and Public Opinion on White-Collar Crime
Effects of Spatially Distal Prison Placements on Inmate Misconduct
Effects of Spatially Distal Prison Placements on Inmate Misconduct
Punishment Injustices
Punishment Injustices
Concentration of Crime in Cities Across the U.S.
Concentration of Crime in Cities Across the U.S.
Unpacking the Sources of Racial Disparities in U.S. Imprisonment Rates
Unpacking the Sources of Racial Disparities in U.S. Imprisonment Rates
Contextual Effects and Punishment Decisions
Contextual Effects and Punishment Decisions
Environmental Threat, Environmental Crime Salience, and Social Control
Environmental Threat, Environmental Crime Salience, and Social Control
Designing Corrections
Designing Corrections
In Search of an Attentive Public and Involvement in the Anti-Trafficking Movement
In Search of an Attentive Public and Involvement in the Anti-Trafficking Movement
Examining Positive Life Outcomes in the Face of Antisocial Traits
Examining Positive Life Outcomes in the Face of Antisocial Traits
Analyzing the Biosocial Selection into Life-Course Transitions
Analyzing the Biosocial Selection into Life-Course Transitions
Role of Gene-Environment Correlations during Early and Middle Childhood
Role of Gene-Environment Correlations during Early and Middle Childhood
Illegal Immigrant Threat and Popular Support for Social Control Measures
Illegal Immigrant Threat and Popular Support for Social Control Measures
Contingencies in the Long-Term Impact of Work on Crime Among Youth
Contingencies in the Long-Term Impact of Work on Crime Among Youth
Eve Effect
Eve Effect
Gender and Sentencing
Gender and Sentencing
Punishment and Privatization
Punishment and Privatization
Unpacking the Association between Callous-Unemotional Traits and Offending
Unpacking the Association between Callous-Unemotional Traits and Offending
Criminal Justice Sentencing in Context
Criminal Justice Sentencing in Context
Low Self-Control, Neighborhood Collective Efficacy, and Child Development as Explanations of Victimization
Low Self-Control, Neighborhood Collective Efficacy, and Child Development as Explanations of Victimization
Race, Ethnicity, Threat, and Punitive Attitudes Toward Criminals
Race, Ethnicity, Threat, and Punitive Attitudes Toward Criminals
American Exceptionalism
American Exceptionalism
Slavery's Transgenerational Effect on White and Black Interracial Homicides in the Southern United States
Slavery's Transgenerational Effect on White and Black Interracial Homicides in the Southern United States
Effects of Actual Punishment Levels on Perceptions of Punishment
Effects of Actual Punishment Levels on Perceptions of Punishment
Gene-Environment Interactions in the Prediction of Antisocial Phenotypes
Gene-Environment Interactions in the Prediction of Antisocial Phenotypes
Procedural Justice and Legitimacy of the Police and Courts and Perceptions of Obedience Among Female Inmates
Procedural Justice and Legitimacy of the Police and Courts and Perceptions of Obedience Among Female Inmates
Maternal Incarceration and Young Adult Arrest
Maternal Incarceration and Young Adult Arrest
Residential Mobility and Desistance from Crime and Substance Use during the Transition to Adulthood
Residential Mobility and Desistance from Crime and Substance Use during the Transition to Adulthood
Constructing Animal Rights Activism as a Social Threat
Constructing Animal Rights Activism as a Social Threat
Effects of Child Maltreatment on the Likelihood of Committing Violence in at-Risk Youth
Effects of Child Maltreatment on the Likelihood of Committing Violence in at-Risk Youth
Prison Plus
Prison Plus
Closer Look at Home Foreclosures and Crime
Closer Look at Home Foreclosures and Crime
To Plea or Not to Plea
To Plea or Not to Plea
Educational Deficiencies of Florida's Juvenile Justice Students
Educational Deficiencies of Florida's Juvenile Justice Students
