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25 items found in collection [showing 1 - 25]
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Effects of a Reciprocal Questioning Intervention on the Reading Comprehension of          Children with Autism
Effects of a Reciprocal Questioning Intervention on the Reading Comprehension of Children with Autism
Elementary Preservice Teachers' Opinions About Parental Involvement in Children's          Education
Elementary Preservice Teachers' Opinions About Parental Involvement in Children's Education
Preschool Aggression within the Social Context
Preschool Aggression within the Social Context
Preschool Physical Education
Preschool Physical Education
Impact of Service-Learning on the Leadership Development of Adolescent Students in an Advanced Language Arts Class
Impact of Service-Learning on the Leadership Development of Adolescent Students in an Advanced Language Arts Class
Enhancing the Use of Augmentative Communication Systems of Children with Autism Through Caregiver-Implemented Naturalistic Teaching Strategies
Enhancing the Use of Augmentative Communication Systems of Children with Autism Through Caregiver-Implemented Naturalistic Teaching Strategies
Effects of Developmentally Appropriate Practices on Children's Reading Development from Kindergarten Through Third Grade
Effects of Developmentally Appropriate Practices on Children's Reading Development from Kindergarten Through Third Grade
Comparison and Analysis of Special Education in the United States and Japan
Comparison and Analysis of Special Education in the United States and Japan
Relationship Between Academic Self-Efficacy and Resilience to Grades of Students Admitted under Special Criteria
Relationship Between Academic Self-Efficacy and Resilience to Grades of Students Admitted under Special Criteria
Exploration of the Teacher-Student Writing Conference and the Potential Influence of          Self-Efficacy
Exploration of the Teacher-Student Writing Conference and the Potential Influence of Self-Efficacy
Comparing the Learning Outcomes and Course Satisfaction of Web-Based vs.          Classroom-Based Instruction
Comparing the Learning Outcomes and Course Satisfaction of Web-Based vs. Classroom-Based Instruction
Academic Engagement of Students with Visual Impairments in General Education Language          Arts Classrooms
Academic Engagement of Students with Visual Impairments in General Education Language Arts Classrooms
Early Literacy Professional Development
Early Literacy Professional Development
Child Temperament, Gender, Teacher-Child Relationship, and Teacher-Child Interactions
Child Temperament, Gender, Teacher-Child Relationship, and Teacher-Child Interactions
Longitudinal Analysis of Science Teaching and Learning in Kindergarten and First-Grade
Longitudinal Analysis of Science Teaching and Learning in Kindergarten and First-Grade
Effects of Kindergarten Entrance Age on Children's Reading and Mathematics          Achievement from Kindergarten Through Third Grade
Effects of Kindergarten Entrance Age on Children's Reading and Mathematics Achievement from Kindergarten Through Third Grade
Attitude Change Among Undergraduate Rehabilitation Interns
Attitude Change Among Undergraduate Rehabilitation Interns
Vocational Rehabilitation Case Outcomes of Latinos and Caucasians with Hearing Loss
Vocational Rehabilitation Case Outcomes of Latinos and Caucasians with Hearing Loss
Predicting Second Grade Special Education Eligibility of Children Who Attended a Public School Prekindergarten Program
Predicting Second Grade Special Education Eligibility of Children Who Attended a Public School Prekindergarten Program
Effect of an Evidence-Based Reading Intervention on the Reading Progress of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Effect of an Evidence-Based Reading Intervention on the Reading Progress of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Relationship of Teacher Knowledge and First-Grade Reading Outcomes in Low-Income          Schools
Relationship of Teacher Knowledge and First-Grade Reading Outcomes in Low-Income Schools
Relationship Between Theory of Mind, Symbolic Transformations in Pretend Play, and Children's Social Competence
Relationship Between Theory of Mind, Symbolic Transformations in Pretend Play, and Children's Social Competence
Willingness to Provide HIV/AIDS Caregiving Among African-American Women
Willingness to Provide HIV/AIDS Caregiving Among African-American Women
Teachers' Process of Change Through Action Research
Teachers' Process of Change Through Action Research
Comparative Analysis of Business Majors' Attitudes Toward Disability, Job Applicant          Disability Status, and the Placeability of Persons with Disabilities
Comparative Analysis of Business Majors' Attitudes Toward Disability, Job Applicant Disability Status, and the Placeability of Persons with Disabilities