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85 items found in collection [showing 1 - 50]


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Doing Gender/Teaching Science
Doing Gender/Teaching Science
Development of Bilingual Communicative Competence Through Play
Development of Bilingual Communicative Competence Through Play
Korean Elementary ESOL Students' English Language Anxiety and Defense Mechanism in the ESOL and Mainstream Classes
Korean Elementary ESOL Students' English Language Anxiety and Defense Mechanism in the ESOL and Mainstream Classes
Understanding Developmental Students' Constructions of Personal Vision and Experiences with Community College
Understanding Developmental Students' Constructions of Personal Vision and Experiences with Community College
Interpretive Case Studies on the Influence of a Pre-Service Contextual Science Research Course on Novice Science and Mathematics Teachers
Interpretive Case Studies on the Influence of a Pre-Service Contextual Science Research Course on Novice Science and Mathematics Teachers
Nature of Literary Discussions in an Advanced-Level Foreign Language Literature Course          in a Turkish EFL Setting
Nature of Literary Discussions in an Advanced-Level Foreign Language Literature Course in a Turkish EFL Setting
Faculty Perceptions of A Calculus Reform Experiment at A Research University
Faculty Perceptions of A Calculus Reform Experiment at A Research University
Gender Equity and Equality on Korean Student Scientists
Gender Equity and Equality on Korean Student Scientists
Instruction and Developing Second Language Pragmatic Competence
Instruction and Developing Second Language Pragmatic Competence
Impact of the Interactive Electronic Whiteboard on Student Achievement in Middle School Mathematics
Impact of the Interactive Electronic Whiteboard on Student Achievement in Middle School Mathematics
Nature of Pedagogical Practices Influenced by an Instructor's Beliefs in an Online          Mathematics Education Course
Nature of Pedagogical Practices Influenced by an Instructor's Beliefs in an Online Mathematics Education Course
Developing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Preservice Teachers Through Microteaching Lesson Study
Developing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Preservice Teachers Through Microteaching Lesson Study
Uncovering Teacher Learning in Preservice English Teachers' Intial Work Samples
Uncovering Teacher Learning in Preservice English Teachers' Intial Work Samples
Education for Sustainable Development at the University Level
Education for Sustainable Development at the University Level
Exploring the Meaning of Practicing Classroom Inquiry from the Perspectives of National Board Certified Science Teachers
Exploring the Meaning of Practicing Classroom Inquiry from the Perspectives of National Board Certified Science Teachers
Exploration of Metacognition and Non-Routine Problem Based Mathematics Instruction on Undergraduate Student Problem Solving Success
Exploration of Metacognition and Non-Routine Problem Based Mathematics Instruction on Undergraduate Student Problem Solving Success
Reading in an Online Hypertext Environment
Reading in an Online Hypertext Environment
Teacher Action Research Project on Digital Fluency via Blogging
Teacher Action Research Project on Digital Fluency via Blogging
Effects of Spatial Visualization and Achievement on Students' Use of Multiple          Representations
Effects of Spatial Visualization and Achievement on Students' Use of Multiple Representations
Science Teachers' Worldviews
Science Teachers' Worldviews
How Can Students Use the Potential of Technology and the Internet in an Elementary Science Club as the Conduit for Conducting Scientific Inquiry?
How Can Students Use the Potential of Technology and the Internet in an Elementary Science Club as the Conduit for Conducting Scientific Inquiry?
Community Science
Community Science
Willingness to Communicate of Foreign Language Learners in a Chinese Setting
Willingness to Communicate of Foreign Language Learners in a Chinese Setting
Investigating Inquiry Beliefs and Nature of Science (NoS) Conceptions of Science          Teachers as Revealed Through Online Learning
Investigating Inquiry Beliefs and Nature of Science (NoS) Conceptions of Science Teachers as Revealed Through Online Learning
What Allows Online Assessment to "Fit" in an Urban Science Classroom?
What Allows Online Assessment to "Fit" in an Urban Science Classroom?
Understanding the Challenges to the Implementation of Assessment Reform in Science          Classrooms
Understanding the Challenges to the Implementation of Assessment Reform in Science Classrooms
Cradle to Third Life
Cradle to Third Life
Junior Secondary School Students' Recognition of Kagisano/Social Harmony, the National Philosophy of Botswana
Junior Secondary School Students' Recognition of Kagisano/Social Harmony, the National Philosophy of Botswana
Instructional Implications of Social Justice Pedagogy on the Teaching of Mathematics
Instructional Implications of Social Justice Pedagogy on the Teaching of Mathematics
Becoming a More Effective Science Teacher
Becoming a More Effective Science Teacher
Forging an Indentity
Forging an Indentity
Reforming English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Curriculum in Romania
Reforming English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Curriculum in Romania
Exploration of Jordanian English Language Teachers' Attitudes, Skills, and Access as          Indicator of Information and Communication Technology Integration in Jordan
Exploration of Jordanian English Language Teachers' Attitudes, Skills, and Access as Indicator of Information and Communication Technology Integration in Jordan
English and Social Capital in an American University in the Republic of Panama
English and Social Capital in an American University in the Republic of Panama
Inclusion in Advanced Placement Statistics
Inclusion in Advanced Placement Statistics
Professional Development and Poststructural Analysis
Professional Development and Poststructural Analysis
Going the Distance
Going the Distance
Teachers' Beliefs on Gender Differences in Mathematics Education
Teachers' Beliefs on Gender Differences in Mathematics Education
Impact of a Women's Program for Science, Mathematics and Engineering on Undergraduate Women
Impact of a Women's Program for Science, Mathematics and Engineering on Undergraduate Women
Kahlil Gibran and Other Arab American Prophets
Kahlil Gibran and Other Arab American Prophets
Prospective Secondary Teachers' Subject Matter Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge of the Concept of Function
Prospective Secondary Teachers' Subject Matter Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge of the Concept of Function
Middle School Educators' Perspectives of Changes in Teaching Practices Caused by Implementation of the FCAT Science
Middle School Educators' Perspectives of Changes in Teaching Practices Caused by Implementation of the FCAT Science
Measuring Poetry
Measuring Poetry
Understanding of College Chemistry Instructor's Beliefs on Teaching Chemistry and Influences on Students' Learning and Their Meaning Making in a General Chemistry          Class
Understanding of College Chemistry Instructor's Beliefs on Teaching Chemistry and Influences on Students' Learning and Their Meaning Making in a General Chemistry Class
Investigating Expertise
Investigating Expertise
Exploration of Social Interaction and Vocabulary Appropriation Among Advanced Adult ESL Learners Engaged in a Threaded Discussion Forum
Exploration of Social Interaction and Vocabulary Appropriation Among Advanced Adult ESL Learners Engaged in a Threaded Discussion Forum
Portrait of Language Minority Students
Portrait of Language Minority Students
Gender Wage Differential and the Under-Representation of Women in IT Education Programs          & IT Workforce
Gender Wage Differential and the Under-Representation of Women in IT Education Programs & IT Workforce
Manifestation of Critical Thinking and Metacognition in Secondary American History Students Through the Implementation of Lesson Plans and Activities Consistent          with Historical Thinking Skills
Manifestation of Critical Thinking and Metacognition in Secondary American History Students Through the Implementation of Lesson Plans and Activities Consistent with Historical Thinking Skills
Assessment of Teachers' Experiences in Scientific Research as a Method for          Conceptual Development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Inquiry
Assessment of Teachers' Experiences in Scientific Research as a Method for Conceptual Development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Inquiry
