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20 items found in collection [showing 1 - 20]
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Effect of Moist Physics and Resolution on Baroclinic Wave Evolution
Effect of Moist Physics and Resolution on Baroclinic Wave Evolution
Expanding the Utility of GOES-R with Improved Assimilation of Lightning and Infrared Satellite Observations
Expanding the Utility of GOES-R with Improved Assimilation of Lightning and Infrared Satellite Observations
Identification, Climatology, and Model Forecast Skill of Northeast US Mesoscale Snowbands
Identification, Climatology, and Model Forecast Skill of Northeast US Mesoscale Snowbands
Migration, Habitat Use, and Predator-Prey Dynamics of Coastal Sharks in the Northeast Gulf of Mexico
Migration, Habitat Use, and Predator-Prey Dynamics of Coastal Sharks in the Northeast Gulf of Mexico
Quantifying the Effects of Increased Storminess and Sea-Level Change on the Morphology of Sandy Barrier Islands along the Northwestern and Atlantic Coasts of Florida
Quantifying the Effects of Increased Storminess and Sea-Level Change on the Morphology of Sandy Barrier Islands along the Northwestern and Atlantic Coasts of Florida
Bayesian Hierarchical Models with Latent Conjugate Multivariate Random Effects
Bayesian Hierarchical Models with Latent Conjugate Multivariate Random Effects
Origin of the North Atlantic Clod Blob Revisited
Origin of the North Atlantic Clod Blob Revisited
Heavy Rainfall Enhanced by Warm Season Fronts and Orography in Western North Carolina
Heavy Rainfall Enhanced by Warm Season Fronts and Orography in Western North Carolina
Reconstruction of Paleostorm History Using Geochemical Proxies in Coastal Lake          Sediments from the North and Northeastern Gulf Coastal Plain of Florida
Reconstruction of Paleostorm History Using Geochemical Proxies in Coastal Lake Sediments from the North and Northeastern Gulf Coastal Plain of Florida
Causes of Shoreline Recession in the Chao Phraya Delta
Causes of Shoreline Recession in the Chao Phraya Delta
Diagnosing the Atmospheric Phenomena Associated with the Onset and Demise of the Rainy Season in Mesoamerica
Diagnosing the Atmospheric Phenomena Associated with the Onset and Demise of the Rainy Season in Mesoamerica
Investigating the Foraging, Social, and Spatial Ecology of Caribbean Parrotfishes
Investigating the Foraging, Social, and Spatial Ecology of Caribbean Parrotfishes
Spatiotemporal Ecology of the Bonnethead, Sphyrna tiburo
Spatiotemporal Ecology of the Bonnethead, Sphyrna tiburo
Sensitivity of Convective Self-Aggregation and Tropical Cyclogenesis to Planetary Rotation
Sensitivity of Convective Self-Aggregation and Tropical Cyclogenesis to Planetary Rotation
Impact of Political Trust, Privatization, and Foreign Aid on Immigration-Related Attitudes
Impact of Political Trust, Privatization, and Foreign Aid on Immigration-Related Attitudes
Establishing Constraints on Carbon Dioxide Fluxes and Transport in a Changing Arctic Ocean Climate System
Establishing Constraints on Carbon Dioxide Fluxes and Transport in a Changing Arctic Ocean Climate System
Diagnosing Tropical Cyclone Risk Through the Development of a Landfall Index for the North Atlantic Basin
Diagnosing Tropical Cyclone Risk Through the Development of a Landfall Index for the North Atlantic Basin
Coastal Lake Paleoclimate Records
Coastal Lake Paleoclimate Records
Dynamic Physicochemical Influences on Speleothem Paleoclimate Proxy Archives
Dynamic Physicochemical Influences on Speleothem Paleoclimate Proxy Archives
Effects of Particle Loading and Temperature on Particle-Laden Buoyant Jets
Effects of Particle Loading and Temperature on Particle-Laden Buoyant Jets