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5 items found in collection [showing 1 - 5]
  • CSV Spreadsheet
Potential Undoing Effects of Positive Math Attitudes on the Math Anxiety-Math Performance Relation
Potential Undoing Effects of Positive Math Attitudes on the Math Anxiety-Math Performance Relation
Examining How Grade Level and Teaching Experience Are Related to Math Anxiety and Anxiety about Teaching among Practicing Elementary School Teachers
Examining How Grade Level and Teaching Experience Are Related to Math Anxiety and Anxiety about Teaching among Practicing Elementary School Teachers
Examining the Relationship between Teacher Math-Gender Stereotypes and Students' Math          Outcomes
Examining the Relationship between Teacher Math-Gender Stereotypes and Students' Math Outcomes
Development and Construct Validation of the Revised Spatial Anxiety Scale
Development and Construct Validation of the Revised Spatial Anxiety Scale
Developmental Relations between Math Self-Concept, Interest, and Anxiety in Elementary School
Developmental Relations between Math Self-Concept, Interest, and Anxiety in Elementary School