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13 items found in collection [showing 1 - 13]
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Franz Schubert's Chamber Music with Guitar
Franz Schubert's Chamber Music with Guitar
Operas of Paul Stuart Based on Libretti by Sally M. Gall
Operas of Paul Stuart Based on Libretti by Sally M. Gall
El Gato Montés
El Gato Montés
Three Approaches for Teaching Laryngeal Stability
Three Approaches for Teaching Laryngeal Stability
Use of Imagry in Teaching Voice to the Twenty-First Century Student
Use of Imagry in Teaching Voice to the Twenty-First Century Student
Practical Guide for First-Year Graduate Teaching Assistants in Voice
Practical Guide for First-Year Graduate Teaching Assistants in Voice
Vocal Registers of the Countertenor Voice
Vocal Registers of the Countertenor Voice
William Parker and the AIDS Quilt Songbook
William Parker and the AIDS Quilt Songbook
Performer's Guide to Michael Tippett's the Blue Guitar
Performer's Guide to Michael Tippett's the Blue Guitar
Beyond the Auvergne
Beyond the Auvergne
Alma Mahler and Vienna
Alma Mahler and Vienna
Mélodies of Jean Cras
Mélodies of Jean Cras
Criteria for Curricular Literature Selection Among Florida Band Directors
Criteria for Curricular Literature Selection Among Florida Band Directors