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5 items found in collection [showing 1 - 5]
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Impact of a Career Course on Undergraduate Students' Career Decision State as a Function of Negative Career Thoughts
Impact of a Career Course on Undergraduate Students' Career Decision State as a Function of Negative Career Thoughts
Relationship among First-Generation College Student Status and Resilience, Social Support, Perceived Barriers, and Negative Career Thoughts
Relationship among First-Generation College Student Status and Resilience, Social Support, Perceived Barriers, and Negative Career Thoughts
Relationship among Dysfunctional Career Thoughts, Interest Profile Elevation, and Ability Self-Estimates
Relationship among Dysfunctional Career Thoughts, Interest Profile Elevation, and Ability Self-Estimates
Barriers to Help-Seeking for Self-Harm
Barriers to Help-Seeking for Self-Harm
Teacher Morale and District and School Leadership in a Rural, High Poverty, and Ethnically Diverse District
Teacher Morale and District and School Leadership in a Rural, High Poverty, and Ethnically Diverse District