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11 items found in collection [showing 1 - 11]
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Tropical Cyclone Eyewall Slope as Determined from Radar Reflectivity Data
Tropical Cyclone Eyewall Slope as Determined from Radar Reflectivity Data
Climatological and Synoptic Patterns of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones Categorized by GFS Track Ensemble Spread and Error
Climatological and Synoptic Patterns of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones Categorized by GFS Track Ensemble Spread and Error
Dynamics of the Wind Field Expansion Associated with Extratropically Transitioning          Tropical Cyclones
Dynamics of the Wind Field Expansion Associated with Extratropically Transitioning Tropical Cyclones
Climatology and Analysis of the Decay of Tropical Cyclones Making Landfall in the U.S. from the Atlantic Basin
Climatology and Analysis of the Decay of Tropical Cyclones Making Landfall in the U.S. from the Atlantic Basin
Development of Forecast Confidence Measures Using NCEP Ensembles
Development of Forecast Confidence Measures Using NCEP Ensembles
Utility of the ERA40 Cyclone Phase Space in Trend Diagnosis and North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Reanalysis
Utility of the ERA40 Cyclone Phase Space in Trend Diagnosis and North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Reanalysis
Recalculation of MPI Using Upper-Ocean Depth Averaged Temperatures
Recalculation of MPI Using Upper-Ocean Depth Averaged Temperatures
Improved Short-Term Atlantic Hurricane Intensity Forecasts Using Reconnaissance-Based Core Measurements
Improved Short-Term Atlantic Hurricane Intensity Forecasts Using Reconnaissance-Based Core Measurements
Spatial Filter Approach to Determining the Role of Convection on the Evolution of a Mesoscale Vortex
Spatial Filter Approach to Determining the Role of Convection on the Evolution of a Mesoscale Vortex
Atlantic Reconnaissance Vortex Message Climatology and Composites and Their Use in          Characterizing Eyewall Cycles
Atlantic Reconnaissance Vortex Message Climatology and Composites and Their Use in Characterizing Eyewall Cycles
Quantifying the Possible Existence of Undocumented Atlantic Warm Core Cyclones in NOAA/CIRES 20th Century Reanalysis Data
Quantifying the Possible Existence of Undocumented Atlantic Warm Core Cyclones in NOAA/CIRES 20th Century Reanalysis Data