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31 items found in collection [showing 1 - 31]
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Effects of ADHD and Test Anxiety on Reading Comprehension and Test Performance
Effects of ADHD and Test Anxiety on Reading Comprehension and Test Performance
Extra-Linguistic Factors in Langauge Comprehension
Extra-Linguistic Factors in Langauge Comprehension
Screening for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in a Naturalistic Home Setting Using the Systematic Observation of Red Flags (SORF) at 18-24 Months
Screening for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in a Naturalistic Home Setting Using the Systematic Observation of Red Flags (SORF) at 18-24 Months
Randomized Clinical Trial of Brief Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia to Reduce Substance Use Disorder Risk
Randomized Clinical Trial of Brief Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia to Reduce Substance Use Disorder Risk
Comparing Alternative Models of Reading Disability by Their Ability to Predict the Compensatory Effect of Assistive Technology on Reading Comprehension
Comparing Alternative Models of Reading Disability by Their Ability to Predict the Compensatory Effect of Assistive Technology on Reading Comprehension
Investigation of the Dimensionality of Morphological and Vocabulary Knowledge in Adult Basic Education Students
Investigation of the Dimensionality of Morphological and Vocabulary Knowledge in Adult Basic Education Students
Relative Growth in Word and Nonword Reading Ability as a Predictor of Reading Fluency
Relative Growth in Word and Nonword Reading Ability as a Predictor of Reading Fluency
Relations between Spatial and Math Skills in Elementary School Children
Relations between Spatial and Math Skills in Elementary School Children
It's Not You, It's Me
It's Not You, It's Me
Transdiagnostic Preventative Intervention for Sublcinical Anxiety
Transdiagnostic Preventative Intervention for Sublcinical Anxiety
Factors Influencing Remindings
Factors Influencing Remindings
People Whose Romantic Partners Match Their Partner Ideals Have Satisfying, Positive Interactions with Those Partners
People Whose Romantic Partners Match Their Partner Ideals Have Satisfying, Positive Interactions with Those Partners
Predictors of Reading Comprehension
Predictors of Reading Comprehension
Examining the Relationship between Teacher Math-Gender Stereotypes and Students' Math          Outcomes
Examining the Relationship between Teacher Math-Gender Stereotypes and Students' Math Outcomes
Firing Dilemma
Firing Dilemma
Working Memory and Math in Children with and without ADHD
Working Memory and Math in Children with and without ADHD
Assessing the Importance of Metalinguistic Skills to the Word Reading and Reading Comprehension Abilities of Adult Basic Education Students
Assessing the Importance of Metalinguistic Skills to the Word Reading and Reading Comprehension Abilities of Adult Basic Education Students
Psychometric Properties of the Barkley Adult ADHD Rating Scale—IV (BAARS-IV) in a College Sample
Psychometric Properties of the Barkley Adult ADHD Rating Scale—IV (BAARS-IV) in a College Sample
Examination of Conceptual Pacts and Perspective Taking in Remote Communication
Examination of Conceptual Pacts and Perspective Taking in Remote Communication
Role of Home Literacy Environment in the Reading Development of Children with and without Learning Disabilities
Role of Home Literacy Environment in the Reading Development of Children with and without Learning Disabilities
Development and Construct Validation of the Revised Spatial Anxiety Scale
Development and Construct Validation of the Revised Spatial Anxiety Scale
Growth, Fixed, and Maybe More?
Growth, Fixed, and Maybe More?
Mate-Retention Behaviors Mediate the Association between Spouses' Attachment Insecurity and Subsequent Partner Satisfaction
Mate-Retention Behaviors Mediate the Association between Spouses' Attachment Insecurity and Subsequent Partner Satisfaction
Exploration of the Time Course of Attention Sets for Object Features
Exploration of the Time Course of Attention Sets for Object Features
Triarchic Model of Psychopathy and Cluster B Personality Traits
Triarchic Model of Psychopathy and Cluster B Personality Traits
Oppositional Defiant Disorder Symptom Dimensions
Oppositional Defiant Disorder Symptom Dimensions
Processes Underlying Ran Predicting Reading Fluency
Processes Underlying Ran Predicting Reading Fluency
Joint Modeling of the Component Skills of Reading and Writing
Joint Modeling of the Component Skills of Reading and Writing
Developmental Relations between Math Self-Concept, Interest, and Anxiety in Elementary School
Developmental Relations between Math Self-Concept, Interest, and Anxiety in Elementary School
Common Genetic and Environmental Influences on Reading, Spelling, and Writing for Older Children and Adolescents
Common Genetic and Environmental Influences on Reading, Spelling, and Writing for Older Children and Adolescents
Gustatory Cortex
Gustatory Cortex