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10 items found in collection [showing 1 - 10]
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Assessing the Impact of Website Domain on End-User Evaluations of Web Page Aesthetics          Using an Immediate Aesthetic Perception Technique
Assessing the Impact of Website Domain on End-User Evaluations of Web Page Aesthetics Using an Immediate Aesthetic Perception Technique
Culture's Influence on Brand Loyalty Among Culturally Diverse Consumers in the United States
Culture's Influence on Brand Loyalty Among Culturally Diverse Consumers in the United States
Offensive Language Spoken on Popular Morning Radio Programs
Offensive Language Spoken on Popular Morning Radio Programs
Historical Analysis
Historical Analysis
Effects of Relationship Marketing on Brand Equity
Effects of Relationship Marketing on Brand Equity
ICTs and Economic Empowerment of Women
ICTs and Economic Empowerment of Women
Measures of Tongue Strength and Perceptual Characteristics of Speech in Parkinson          Disease
Measures of Tongue Strength and Perceptual Characteristics of Speech in Parkinson Disease
Role of Morality and Physical Attractiveness of Athletes on Disposition          Formations
Role of Morality and Physical Attractiveness of Athletes on Disposition Formations
Reaction Time and Parkinson's Disease
Reaction Time and Parkinson's Disease
Importance of Communication Quality in Services
Importance of Communication Quality in Services