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12 items found in collection [showing 1 - 12]
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Leader's Dilemma Game
Leader's Dilemma Game
context-aware social distancing nudge for public health in response to COVID-19 pandemic
context-aware social distancing nudge for public health in response to COVID-19 pandemic
Ethical Dilemma
Ethical Dilemma
Dyadic Attribution Model
Dyadic Attribution Model
Detecting Cyberbullying "hotspots" On Twitter
Detecting Cyberbullying "hotspots" On Twitter
Trustworthiness Attribution
Trustworthiness Attribution
CV19 SelfDefense
CV19 SelfDefense
Gender Deception in Asynchronous Online Communication
Gender Deception in Asynchronous Online Communication
Trust or Consequences? Causal Effects of Perceived Risk and Subjective Norms on Cloud Technology Adoption
Trust or Consequences? Causal Effects of Perceived Risk and Subjective Norms on Cloud Technology Adoption
Computer-Mediated Deception:
Computer-Mediated Deception:
Sentiment and retweet analysis of user response for early fake news detection
Sentiment and retweet analysis of user response for early fake news detection
Following the Breadcrumbs
Following the Breadcrumbs