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8 items found in collection [showing 1 - 8]
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Developing and Testing a Comprehensive Measure of Maternal Gatekeeping
Developing and Testing a Comprehensive Measure of Maternal Gatekeeping
Constraints to Family Leisure and Perceptions of Family Functioning of U.S. Army Personnel Who Have Experienced Deployment
Constraints to Family Leisure and Perceptions of Family Functioning of U.S. Army Personnel Who Have Experienced Deployment
Committed Romantic Relationship Profiles of Individuals with Anxiety Disorders
Committed Romantic Relationship Profiles of Individuals with Anxiety Disorders
Co-Parenting in the Context of Divorce
Co-Parenting in the Context of Divorce
College Students' Recollection of Parent-Child Conflict Management and Current Perceptions of Adjustment and          Attachment with Parents and Peers
College Students' Recollection of Parent-Child Conflict Management and Current Perceptions of Adjustment and Attachment with Parents and Peers
Associations Between Relationships with Biological and Foster Parents, Self-Esteem, and Delinquency for Adolescents in Foster Care
Associations Between Relationships with Biological and Foster Parents, Self-Esteem, and Delinquency for Adolescents in Foster Care
Racial Discrimination and Alcohol Outcomes in Black Youth
Racial Discrimination and Alcohol Outcomes in Black Youth
Pregnancy Intentions of First Time Mothers
Pregnancy Intentions of First Time Mothers