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37 items found in collection [showing 1 - 37]
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Predictive Accuracy Measures for Binary Outcomes
Predictive Accuracy Measures for Binary Outcomes
Novel Statistical Methods to Characterize the Genetic Basis of Human Complex Traits
Novel Statistical Methods to Characterize the Genetic Basis of Human Complex Traits
Bayesian Stochastic Attention-Based Neural Bag of Feature Model with Applications in Sequence Data
Bayesian Stochastic Attention-Based Neural Bag of Feature Model with Applications in Sequence Data
Deep Learning-Based Prediction Frameworks for Longitudinal Data Analysis
Deep Learning-Based Prediction Frameworks for Longitudinal Data Analysis
Alternative Tests and Measures for between-Study Heterogeneity and Time-Lag Bias in Meta-Analysis
Alternative Tests and Measures for between-Study Heterogeneity and Time-Lag Bias in Meta-Analysis
Hybrid Volatility Forecasting Models Based on Machine Learning of High-Frequency Data
Hybrid Volatility Forecasting Models Based on Machine Learning of High-Frequency Data
Time-Varying Mixture Models for Financial Risk Management
Time-Varying Mixture Models for Financial Risk Management
Model-Based Depth with Applications to Functional Data
Model-Based Depth with Applications to Functional Data
Structural Data Analysis in Bioinformatics
Structural Data Analysis in Bioinformatics
Sorvali Dilatation and Spin Divisors on Riemann and Klein Surfaces
Sorvali Dilatation and Spin Divisors on Riemann and Klein Surfaces
Statistical Analysis for Complex Data by Generalized Indirect Dependency Learning and          Slack Empirical Likelihood
Statistical Analysis for Complex Data by Generalized Indirect Dependency Learning and Slack Empirical Likelihood
Improving the Robustness of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
Improving the Robustness of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
Bayesian Hierarchical Models with Latent Conjugate Multivariate Random Effects
Bayesian Hierarchical Models with Latent Conjugate Multivariate Random Effects
Tools for Statistical Analysis on Shape Spaces of Three-Dimensional Object
Tools for Statistical Analysis on Shape Spaces of Three-Dimensional Object
Statistical Depth in Point Process and Its Applications
Statistical Depth in Point Process and Its Applications
Computational Anatomy
Computational Anatomy
Semi-Parametric Generalized Estimating Equations with Kernel Smoother
Semi-Parametric Generalized Estimating Equations with Kernel Smoother
Dirichlet Depth for Point Process
Dirichlet Depth for Point Process
Time Series and Machine Learning Models for Financial Markets Forecast
Time Series and Machine Learning Models for Financial Markets Forecast
 Bayesian Hierarchical Models That Incorporate New Sources of Dependence for Boundary Detection and Spatial Prediction
Bayesian Hierarchical Models That Incorporate New Sources of Dependence for Boundary Detection and Spatial Prediction
Examining the Effect of Treatment on the Distribution of Blood Pressure in the Population Using Observational Data
Examining the Effect of Treatment on the Distribution of Blood Pressure in the Population Using Observational Data
Shape Based Function Estimation
Shape Based Function Estimation
Unified Framework on Defining Depth for Point Process Using Function Smoothing
Unified Framework on Defining Depth for Point Process Using Function Smoothing
Bayesian Methodologies for Big Spatial Data That Avoids Covariance Matrix Inversion
Bayesian Methodologies for Big Spatial Data That Avoids Covariance Matrix Inversion
Deep Learning in Protein Design Studies and a Rank-Based Point Process Model
Deep Learning in Protein Design Studies and a Rank-Based Point Process Model
Median Regression for Complex Survey Data
Median Regression for Complex Survey Data
Statistical Inferences for Shape Graphs and Time Series of Graphs
Statistical Inferences for Shape Graphs and Time Series of Graphs
Statistical Modeling and Testing of Shapes of Planar Objects
Statistical Modeling and Testing of Shapes of Planar Objects
Statistical Methods for the Analysis of High Dimension Heterogeneous Data
Statistical Methods for the Analysis of High Dimension Heterogeneous Data
Parameter Sensitive Feature Selection for Learning on Large Datasets
Parameter Sensitive Feature Selection for Learning on Large Datasets
Statistical Analysis on Representation Spaces of Affine Lines and Affine Planes
Statistical Analysis on Representation Spaces of Affine Lines and Affine Planes
Extraction and Analysis of 2D and 3D Data from Images and of Phylogenetic Tree Data from RNA and DNA Sequences and Consistency of Spherical Depth on Object Spaces
Extraction and Analysis of 2D and 3D Data from Images and of Phylogenetic Tree Data from RNA and DNA Sequences and Consistency of Spherical Depth on Object Spaces
Leveraging Structural Information in Regression Tree Ensembles
Leveraging Structural Information in Regression Tree Ensembles
Deep Learning and Probabilistic Approaches for Financial Time Series Analysis
Deep Learning and Probabilistic Approaches for Financial Time Series Analysis
Dimension Reduction and Regression for Tensor Data and Mixture Models
Dimension Reduction and Regression for Tensor Data and Mixture Models
High Dimensional Replicable Inference of Multiple Studies
High Dimensional Replicable Inference of Multiple Studies
High Dimensional Classification for Skew-Normal Data
High Dimensional Classification for Skew-Normal Data