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10 items found in collection [showing 1 - 10]
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Effects of the Assessor and Assessee's Roles on Preservice Teachers' Metacognitive Awareness, Performance, and Attitude in a Technology-Related Design Task
Effects of the Assessor and Assessee's Roles on Preservice Teachers' Metacognitive Awareness, Performance, and Attitude in a Technology-Related Design Task
Emoticon Usage in Task-Oriented and Socio-Emotional Contexts in Online Discussion          Boards
Emoticon Usage in Task-Oriented and Socio-Emotional Contexts in Online Discussion Boards
Example Postings' Effects on Online Discussion and Cognitive Load
Example Postings' Effects on Online Discussion and Cognitive Load
Effects of Task-Centered vs. Topic-Centered Instructional Strategy Approaches on Problem Solving
Effects of Task-Centered vs. Topic-Centered Instructional Strategy Approaches on Problem Solving
Effect of Audio Narration in Computer Mediated Instruction on Procedural Fluency by Students of Varying Reading Levels
Effect of Audio Narration in Computer Mediated Instruction on Procedural Fluency by Students of Varying Reading Levels
Weight Status and Decision Making in a Food Selection Task
Weight Status and Decision Making in a Food Selection Task
Explicit and Implicit Types of Communication
Explicit and Implicit Types of Communication
Learning by Restorying
Learning by Restorying
Effects of Pedagogical Agent-Delivered Persuasive Messages with Fear Appeal on Learners' Attitude Change
Effects of Pedagogical Agent-Delivered Persuasive Messages with Fear Appeal on Learners' Attitude Change
Using Argument-Driven Inquiry to Enhance Students' Argument Sophistication When Supporting a Stance in the Context of Socioscientific Issues
Using Argument-Driven Inquiry to Enhance Students' Argument Sophistication When Supporting a Stance in the Context of Socioscientific Issues