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14 items found in 3 collections [showing 1 - 14]
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Neighborhood Built and Social Environments and Change in Weight Status over the Summer in Low-Income Elementary School Children.
Neighborhood Built and Social Environments and Change in Weight Status over the Summer in Low-Income Elementary School Children.
Participant Experiences in the Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young Study
Participant Experiences in the Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young Study
My Child Is Islet Autoantibody Positive
My Child Is Islet Autoantibody Positive
White Coat Adherence Occurs in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes Receiving Intervention to Improve Insulin Pump Adherence Behaviors.
White Coat Adherence Occurs in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes Receiving Intervention to Improve Insulin Pump Adherence Behaviors.
Psychological Manifestations of Celiac Disease Autoimmunity in Young Children.
Psychological Manifestations of Celiac Disease Autoimmunity in Young Children.
Family adjustment to diabetes diagnosis in children
Family adjustment to diabetes diagnosis in children
Parental Estimation of Their Child's Increased Type 1 Diabetes Risk During the First 2 Years of Participation in an International Observational Study
Parental Estimation of Their Child's Increased Type 1 Diabetes Risk During the First 2 Years of Participation in an International Observational Study
Cross-country Comparisons Of Physical Activity And Sedentary Behavior Among 5-year-old Children
Cross-country Comparisons Of Physical Activity And Sedentary Behavior Among 5-year-old Children
feasibility of salivary sample collection in an international pediatric cohort
feasibility of salivary sample collection in an international pediatric cohort
Comparison of Rule-based Analysis with Regression Methods in Understanding the Risk Factors for Study Withdrawal in a Pediatric Study.
Comparison of Rule-based Analysis with Regression Methods in Understanding the Risk Factors for Study Withdrawal in a Pediatric Study.
A Comparison of Rule-based Analysis with Regression Methods in Understanding the Risk Factors for Study Withdrawal in a Pediatric Study
A Comparison of Rule-based Analysis with Regression Methods in Understanding the Risk Factors for Study Withdrawal in a Pediatric Study
Neighborhood Built And Social Environments And Change In Weight Status Over The Summer In Low-income Elementary School Children
Neighborhood Built And Social Environments And Change In Weight Status Over The Summer In Low-income Elementary School Children
Predicting Later Study Withdrawal in Participants Active in a Longitudinal Birth Cohort Study for 1 Year
Predicting Later Study Withdrawal in Participants Active in a Longitudinal Birth Cohort Study for 1 Year
Provider Attention to Weight of Pediatric Latino Patients
Provider Attention to Weight of Pediatric Latino Patients