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Factors Affecting the Likelihood of Constrained Retrieval
Factors Affecting the Likelihood of Constrained Retrieval
Cognitive and Motivational Processes Underlying ADHD and Early Academic Skills in Preschool Children
Cognitive and Motivational Processes Underlying ADHD and Early Academic Skills in Preschool Children
Examination of Interpretation Bias Modification for Intolerance of Uncertainty
Examination of Interpretation Bias Modification for Intolerance of Uncertainty
Bilingual Advantage on Tasks of Interferernce Suppression and Response Inhibition Among Language Minority Youth
Bilingual Advantage on Tasks of Interferernce Suppression and Response Inhibition Among Language Minority Youth
Effects of Lexical Cognitive Loading on Parameters of Gait in Neurotypical Older Adults
Effects of Lexical Cognitive Loading on Parameters of Gait in Neurotypical Older Adults
Avoiding Interference
Avoiding Interference
Perceptual Learning of Dysarthric Speech
Perceptual Learning of Dysarthric Speech
Relative Growth in Word and Nonword Reading Ability as a Predictor of Reading Fluency
Relative Growth in Word and Nonword Reading Ability as a Predictor of Reading Fluency
Motor Resonance and Linguistic Focus
Motor Resonance and Linguistic Focus
Committed but Closed-Minded
Committed but Closed-Minded
Application of an MVPA Decoding Approach in Examining the Effect of Category Learning on Attentional Modulation and Neural Representations
Application of an MVPA Decoding Approach in Examining the Effect of Category Learning on Attentional Modulation and Neural Representations
Assessing the Importance of Metalinguistic Skills to the Word Reading and Reading Comprehension Abilities of Adult Basic Education Students
Assessing the Importance of Metalinguistic Skills to the Word Reading and Reading Comprehension Abilities of Adult Basic Education Students
Familiarization of Dysarthric Speech Generalization between Speakers of Different Sex
Familiarization of Dysarthric Speech Generalization between Speakers of Different Sex
Thinking Serial or Thinking Parallel?
Thinking Serial or Thinking Parallel?
Latent Change Score Modeling Approach to Investigating Developmental Relations between Phonological Awareness and Decoding Ability in Early Readers
Latent Change Score Modeling Approach to Investigating Developmental Relations between Phonological Awareness and Decoding Ability in Early Readers
Racing to Help
Racing to Help
Investigating Adherence to Technology-Based Cognitive Interventions with the Potential to Slow or Reverse Cognitive Decline Associated with Aging
Investigating Adherence to Technology-Based Cognitive Interventions with the Potential to Slow or Reverse Cognitive Decline Associated with Aging
Unfulfilled Goals Interfere with Other, Unrelated Pursuits
Unfulfilled Goals Interfere with Other, Unrelated Pursuits
Influence of Bigram Frequency on Naming Speed
Influence of Bigram Frequency on Naming Speed
Interference and Facilitation
Interference and Facilitation
Effects of Auditory Experience on Neural Pathways and Vocal-Motor Output
Effects of Auditory Experience on Neural Pathways and Vocal-Motor Output
Language Minority Children’s Sensitivity to the Semantic Relations Between Words
Language Minority Children’s Sensitivity to the Semantic Relations Between Words
Power and Belonging
Power and Belonging
Dissociation and Anxiety Sensitvity
Dissociation and Anxiety Sensitvity
How Predictive Validity Impacts Classification Accuracy and Predictive Power across Screening Approaches
How Predictive Validity Impacts Classification Accuracy and Predictive Power across Screening Approaches
What Do Children Know, When They Know a Word?
What Do Children Know, When They Know a Word?
Head to Toes Approach to Computerized Testing of Executive Functioning in Young Children
Head to Toes Approach to Computerized Testing of Executive Functioning in Young Children
Effect of Recent Visual Experience on Later Reading
Effect of Recent Visual Experience on Later Reading
Investigating the Simulation of Event Locus during Online Comprehension
Investigating the Simulation of Event Locus during Online Comprehension
On the Precision of Attention Sets
On the Precision of Attention Sets
Adult Bilinguals' Orthographic Representations
Adult Bilinguals' Orthographic Representations
Experience Changes Neuronal Intrinsic Physiology
Experience Changes Neuronal Intrinsic Physiology
Modeling the Effects of Single Letter Frequency on Single Letter Naming Times
Modeling the Effects of Single Letter Frequency on Single Letter Naming Times
Reliably Measuring Attention Capture
Reliably Measuring Attention Capture