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30 items found in collection [showing 1 - 30]
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Can Playing a Video Game Foster Computational Thinking Skills?
Can Playing a Video Game Foster Computational Thinking Skills?
Embedding Learning Supports in Games to Promote Computational Thinking Skills
Embedding Learning Supports in Games to Promote Computational Thinking Skills
Boon or Bane?
Boon or Bane?
Professional Learning for Online Teaching
Professional Learning for Online Teaching
Roles of Emotional Intelligence and Resilience in Academic Success
Roles of Emotional Intelligence and Resilience in Academic Success
Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of an Interprofessional, Continuing Education Course in Biomedical Ethics Using Problem Based Learning
Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of an Interprofessional, Continuing Education Course in Biomedical Ethics Using Problem Based Learning
High-Achieving Teenage Students' Use of Social Media and Technology to Complete Advanced Placement Coursework
High-Achieving Teenage Students' Use of Social Media and Technology to Complete Advanced Placement Coursework
Featured Student Profiles
Featured Student Profiles
Improving Critical Thinking Skills Development in a University Classroom
Improving Critical Thinking Skills Development in a University Classroom
Teacher Perception on the Use of Game-Based Learning in the Title 1 ELA Curriculum
Teacher Perception on the Use of Game-Based Learning in the Title 1 ELA Curriculum
Impact of Playing Function Fighters
Impact of Playing Function Fighters
Preservice Teachers' Perceptions and Readiness Entering Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Classrooms
Preservice Teachers' Perceptions and Readiness Entering Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Classrooms
Competencies for Instructional Designers
Competencies for Instructional Designers
Effects of Levels of Instructional Assistance on Learning and Mental Effort in an Intelligent Tutoring System
Effects of Levels of Instructional Assistance on Learning and Mental Effort in an Intelligent Tutoring System
Effects of Embedding Questions at Different Temporal Locations within Instructional Videos on Perception and Performance
Effects of Embedding Questions at Different Temporal Locations within Instructional Videos on Perception and Performance
Improving Undergraduates' Problem-Solving Skills through Video Gameplay
Improving Undergraduates' Problem-Solving Skills through Video Gameplay
Instagram for the Development of Foreign Language Students' Intercultural Competence
Instagram for the Development of Foreign Language Students' Intercultural Competence
Effects of Application Components in Holistic Admissions Review
Effects of Application Components in Holistic Admissions Review
Qualitative Exploration of Designing Online Reciprocal Teaching for Scaffolding Metacognitive Strategy Use for College Students
Qualitative Exploration of Designing Online Reciprocal Teaching for Scaffolding Metacognitive Strategy Use for College Students
Earthquake Rebuild
Earthquake Rebuild
Effects of Annotation Sharing and Guided Annotation Strategies on Second Language Reading
Effects of Annotation Sharing and Guided Annotation Strategies on Second Language Reading
To Help, or Not to Help?
To Help, or Not to Help?
Effects of Faded Scaffolding in Computer-Based Instruction on Learners' Performance, Cognitive Load, and Test                 Anxiety
Effects of Faded Scaffolding in Computer-Based Instruction on Learners' Performance, Cognitive Load, and Test Anxiety
Inspire, Instruct, or Both?
Inspire, Instruct, or Both?
Impact of a Simulation-Based Skills Program on Nursing Students' Proficiency, Confidence, Enjoyment, and Anxiety
Impact of a Simulation-Based Skills Program on Nursing Students' Proficiency, Confidence, Enjoyment, and Anxiety
Effects of Emotional Support and Cognitive Motivational Messages on Math Anxiety, Self-Efficacy, and Math Problem Solving
Effects of Emotional Support and Cognitive Motivational Messages on Math Anxiety, Self-Efficacy, and Math Problem Solving
Quality Matters Implementation in Florida Colleges
Quality Matters Implementation in Florida Colleges
Effects of Reflection on Student's Technology Integration Self-Efficacy in an Educational Technology Course
Effects of Reflection on Student's Technology Integration Self-Efficacy in an Educational Technology Course
Effects of Different Types of Annotations on College Students' Foreign Language Learning in the Synchronous Multimodal Computer-Mediated Communication Environment
Effects of Different Types of Annotations on College Students' Foreign Language Learning in the Synchronous Multimodal Computer-Mediated Communication Environment
Evaluating Student Performance with Argument Mapping Software in Relation to Students' Critical Thinking Skills
Evaluating Student Performance with Argument Mapping Software in Relation to Students' Critical Thinking Skills