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8 items found in collection [showing 1 - 8]
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New Investigations into Prehistoric Corinth
New Investigations into Prehistoric Corinth
Protective Magic in Ancient Greece
Protective Magic in Ancient Greece
Jason the Hero
Jason the Hero
Market Buildings in Athens and Corinth in the Roman Period
Market Buildings in Athens and Corinth in the Roman Period
Si Tantus Amor Belli Tibi, Roma, Nefandi. Love and Strife in Lucan's Bellum Civile
Si Tantus Amor Belli Tibi, Roma, Nefandi. Love and Strife in Lucan's Bellum Civile
Bricks and Mortar the Military Consequences of the Destruction of Cultural, Religious, and Historical Monuments in Armed Conflict
Bricks and Mortar the Military Consequences of the Destruction of Cultural, Religious, and Historical Monuments in Armed Conflict
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Christian Schooling in Terms of Academic Contingent Self-Worth
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Christian Schooling in Terms of Academic Contingent Self-Worth
Culinary World of Juvenal
Culinary World of Juvenal