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5 items found in collection [showing 1 - 5]
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Real-Time High Speed Generator System Emulation with Hardware-in the-Loop Application
Real-Time High Speed Generator System Emulation with Hardware-in the-Loop Application
Single Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Modeling and Optimization
Single Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Modeling and Optimization
Local Voltage Collapse Detection Method for Reliable Inverse-Time Undervoltage Relaying in a Distributed Resource Environment
Local Voltage Collapse Detection Method for Reliable Inverse-Time Undervoltage Relaying in a Distributed Resource Environment
Accuracy Evalaution of Power Hardware-in-the-Loop (PHIL) Simulation
Accuracy Evalaution of Power Hardware-in-the-Loop (PHIL) Simulation
Phenomenological Equivalent Circuit Modeling of Various Energy Storage Devices
Phenomenological Equivalent Circuit Modeling of Various Energy Storage Devices