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19 items found in collection [showing 1 - 19]
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College of Arts and Sciences Application of Sampling-Based Model Predictive Control to Motion Planning for Robotic          Manipulators
College of Arts and Sciences Application of Sampling-Based Model Predictive Control to Motion Planning for Robotic Manipulators
Understanding the Determining Factors and Their Cooperative Effects on Protein Folding
Understanding the Determining Factors and Their Cooperative Effects on Protein Folding
Algorithms for Solving Near Point Problems
Algorithms for Solving Near Point Problems
Spectral Methods for Morphometry
Spectral Methods for Morphometry
Creation and Modification of Models of Nucleosome Occupancy and Their Applications Across Multiple Species
Creation and Modification of Models of Nucleosome Occupancy and Their Applications Across Multiple Species
Normal Estimation and Surface Reconstruction of Large Point Clouds
Normal Estimation and Surface Reconstruction of Large Point Clouds
Acceleration Methods Forbayesian Network Sampling
Acceleration Methods Forbayesian Network Sampling
Fundamentals and Methods of Terrain Classification Using Proprioceptive Sensors
Fundamentals and Methods of Terrain Classification Using Proprioceptive Sensors
Precomputed Global Illumination of Isosurfaces
Precomputed Global Illumination of Isosurfaces
SPRNG Gets a Normal Number Generator
SPRNG Gets a Normal Number Generator
Simple, Thread-Safe, Approximate Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
Simple, Thread-Safe, Approximate Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
Using Probabilistic Techniques to Aid in Password Cracking Attacks
Using Probabilistic Techniques to Aid in Password Cracking Attacks
Case-Based Framework for Meta Intrusion Detection
Case-Based Framework for Meta Intrusion Detection
Cyber Physical System Vulnerability Research
Cyber Physical System Vulnerability Research
Making Recommendations for an Intelligent Video Channel
Making Recommendations for an Intelligent Video Channel
Efficient XML Stream Processing and Searching
Efficient XML Stream Processing and Searching
No-Reference Natural Image/Video Quality Assessment of Noisy, Blurry, or Compressed Images/Videos Based on Hybrid Curvelet, Wavelet and Cosine Transforms
No-Reference Natural Image/Video Quality Assessment of Noisy, Blurry, or Compressed Images/Videos Based on Hybrid Curvelet, Wavelet and Cosine Transforms
Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Reliable Multicast Protocol for          Ethernet Switched Networks
Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Reliable Multicast Protocol for Ethernet Switched Networks