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6 items found in collection [showing 1 - 6]
  • CSV Spreadsheet
Sparse Representations for Recognition
Sparse Representations for Recognition
Study of Image Representations for Content-Based Image Retrieval
Study of Image Representations for Content-Based Image Retrieval
Three-Dimensional Scene Estimation from Monocular Videos with Applications in Video Analysis
Three-Dimensional Scene Estimation from Monocular Videos with Applications in Video Analysis
Appearance-Based Classification and Recognition Using Spectral Histogram          Representations and Hierarchical Learning for OCA
Appearance-Based Classification and Recognition Using Spectral Histogram Representations and Hierarchical Learning for OCA
Discriminative Algorithms for Large-Scale Image Steganalysis and Their Limitations
Discriminative Algorithms for Large-Scale Image Steganalysis and Their Limitations
Exploration of the Spectral Histogram Representation for Face Detection
Exploration of the Spectral Histogram Representation for Face Detection