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12 items found in collection [showing 1 - 12]
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Investigating the Characteristics of Measures Used for Tracking and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Anti-Tobacco Communication Campaigns
Investigating the Characteristics of Measures Used for Tracking and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Anti-Tobacco Communication Campaigns
Health Communication Campaigns
Health Communication Campaigns
Information-Seeking Among Pregnant Women
Information-Seeking Among Pregnant Women
Effects of Discriminate Message Interventions on Behavioral Intentions to Eat Healthy Foods and Engage in Physical Activities
Effects of Discriminate Message Interventions on Behavioral Intentions to Eat Healthy Foods and Engage in Physical Activities
Computer-Mediated Communication as Political Communication
Computer-Mediated Communication as Political Communication
Risk Perceptions, Worry and Communication as Predictors of Lung, Colon and Skin Cancer-Related Behaviors
Risk Perceptions, Worry and Communication as Predictors of Lung, Colon and Skin Cancer-Related Behaviors
Democratizing Communication
Democratizing Communication
Predicting Blood Donations Among College Students as a Strategy to Design Voluntary Blood Donation Campaigns in China
Predicting Blood Donations Among College Students as a Strategy to Design Voluntary Blood Donation Campaigns in China
Communicating Through Clothing
Communicating Through Clothing
HIV-Related Information Seeking Among Residential University Students in Three          Caribbean Countries
HIV-Related Information Seeking Among Residential University Students in Three Caribbean Countries
Analysis of National Youth Tobacco Surveys
Analysis of National Youth Tobacco Surveys
Impact of Individual Differences on the Willingness of Teachers in Mozambique to Communicate About HIV/AIDS in Schools and Communities
Impact of Individual Differences on the Willingness of Teachers in Mozambique to Communicate About HIV/AIDS in Schools and Communities