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19 items found in collection [showing 1 - 19]
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Community Ecology of Mesofauna Associated with the Caribbean Fire Sponge, Tedania ignis, and Context-Dependent Effects of Symbiosis
Community Ecology of Mesofauna Associated with the Caribbean Fire Sponge, Tedania ignis, and Context-Dependent Effects of Symbiosis
Effects of Protozoan Predators on Aquatic Microbial Assemblages in Sarracenia Purpurea Leaves
Effects of Protozoan Predators on Aquatic Microbial Assemblages in Sarracenia Purpurea Leaves
Ecological Effects of Red Grouper (Epinephelus Morio) in Florida Bay
Ecological Effects of Red Grouper (Epinephelus Morio) in Florida Bay
Adaptation, Diversification, and Desert Ecology of the Most Diverse Order of Mammals (Mammalia, Rodentia)
Adaptation, Diversification, and Desert Ecology of the Most Diverse Order of Mammals (Mammalia, Rodentia)
Community-Level Consequences of Plant-Herbivore Interactions
Community-Level Consequences of Plant-Herbivore Interactions
Restoration of Longleaf Pine in Slash Pine Plantations
Restoration of Longleaf Pine in Slash Pine Plantations
Estimating Species Interactions in a Woodpecker Tree-Hole Community at the Individual,          Population, and Community Levels
Estimating Species Interactions in a Woodpecker Tree-Hole Community at the Individual, Population, and Community Levels
Mercury Contamination and Its Relation to Trophic Ecology and Anthropogenic Pollution in Coastal and Deep Sea Shark Communities
Mercury Contamination and Its Relation to Trophic Ecology and Anthropogenic Pollution in Coastal and Deep Sea Shark Communities
Species-Habitat Relationships and Multi-Source Feeding in Apalachicola Bay Fishes
Species-Habitat Relationships and Multi-Source Feeding in Apalachicola Bay Fishes
Predicting Trophic Cascades in an Antagonistic/Mutualistic Web
Predicting Trophic Cascades in an Antagonistic/Mutualistic Web
Investigating the Foraging, Social, and Spatial Ecology of Caribbean Parrotfishes
Investigating the Foraging, Social, and Spatial Ecology of Caribbean Parrotfishes
Maintenance of Variation and Adaptive Consequences of Encrusting Growth Forms in the Clonal Hydroid Genus Hydractinia
Maintenance of Variation and Adaptive Consequences of Encrusting Growth Forms in the Clonal Hydroid Genus Hydractinia
Evolution of Host Associations in Symbiotic Zoanthidea
Evolution of Host Associations in Symbiotic Zoanthidea
Distribution, Spread, Activity Patterns, and Foraging Behaviors of the Introduced Ant Pheidole Obscurithorax in the Southeastern United States
Distribution, Spread, Activity Patterns, and Foraging Behaviors of the Introduced Ant Pheidole Obscurithorax in the Southeastern United States
Consumer Responses to Resource Density Affect Resource Partitioning as a Coexistence Mechanism of Competition in Consumer-Resource Systems
Consumer Responses to Resource Density Affect Resource Partitioning as a Coexistence Mechanism of Competition in Consumer-Resource Systems
Effects of Landscape Structure on Biodiversity, Network Architecture, and Ecosystem Function
Effects of Landscape Structure on Biodiversity, Network Architecture, and Ecosystem Function
Plant Responses to Joint Effects of Herbivores and Pollinators
Plant Responses to Joint Effects of Herbivores and Pollinators
Effects of Fire Refugia on Co-Flowering Communities, Floral Abundance, and          Flowering Phenology in an Old Growth Longleaf Pine Forest
Effects of Fire Refugia on Co-Flowering Communities, Floral Abundance, and Flowering Phenology in an Old Growth Longleaf Pine Forest
Social Nesting Behvior of the Bahama Parrot on Abaco Island and Its Conservation Implications
Social Nesting Behvior of the Bahama Parrot on Abaco Island and Its Conservation Implications