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8 items found in collection [showing 1 - 8]
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Motivating Factors That Influence Millennial Alumni Giving at Florida A&M University
Motivating Factors That Influence Millennial Alumni Giving at Florida A&M University
Does Financial Aid Policy Influence Who Attends College?
Does Financial Aid Policy Influence Who Attends College?
Trauma Informed Care in Florida Child Care Centers
Trauma Informed Care in Florida Child Care Centers
Talent Is Evenly Distributed, Opportunity Is Not
Talent Is Evenly Distributed, Opportunity Is Not
Examining the Evaluation of Student Learning in the Context of Accreditation
Examining the Evaluation of Student Learning in the Context of Accreditation
Experiences of Third Culture Kids in International Schools
Experiences of Third Culture Kids in International Schools
Making the Connection between High School Preparation and College-Level Math Outcomes
Making the Connection between High School Preparation and College-Level Math Outcomes
Does Reform Lead to Success for All?
Does Reform Lead to Success for All?