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13 items found in collection [showing 1 - 13]
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Politics of Devotion
Politics of Devotion
Architectural Trees and Moorish Knots in Leonardo's Sala Delle Asse
Architectural Trees and Moorish Knots in Leonardo's Sala Delle Asse
Abbott Laboratories
Abbott Laboratories
"England's Giorgione"
"England's Giorgione"
Alberto Aringhieri and the Chapel of Saint John the Baptist
Alberto Aringhieri and the Chapel of Saint John the Baptist
Quest of the Individual
Quest of the Individual
Political Context of Michelangelo's Cleopatra for Tommaso De'Cavalieri
Political Context of Michelangelo's Cleopatra for Tommaso De'Cavalieri
Gerrit Dou
Gerrit Dou
Semblance of Things
Semblance of Things
Renaissance Portrait Medal and the Court Context
Renaissance Portrait Medal and the Court Context
Painting Paradise for a Post-Colonial Pacific
Painting Paradise for a Post-Colonial Pacific
Computers, Cladding, and Curves
Computers, Cladding, and Curves
Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere