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15 items found in collection [showing 1 - 15]
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Estradiol's Regulation of Energy Homeostasis.
Estradiol's Regulation of Energy Homeostasis.
Development of Vision and the Effect of Spectral Environment on the Cone Photoreceptor Mosaic of the Bluefin Killifish, Lucania Goodei.
Development of Vision and the Effect of Spectral Environment on the Cone Photoreceptor Mosaic of the Bluefin Killifish, Lucania Goodei.
Influence of Period on Circadian Rhythms
Influence of Period on Circadian Rhythms
Oncogenic Extracellular Vesicle Biogenesis and Protein Trafficking
Oncogenic Extracellular Vesicle Biogenesis and Protein Trafficking
Essential Roles of CKIδ/ε in the Mammalian Circadian Clock
Essential Roles of CKIδ/ε in the Mammalian Circadian Clock
Zinc Regulation of Neural Stem Cells and Behavior in Brain Injury Complicated by Ethanol Intake
Zinc Regulation of Neural Stem Cells and Behavior in Brain Injury Complicated by Ethanol Intake
Novel Mechanisms of Type I Collagen Regulation in Liver Fibrosis
Novel Mechanisms of Type I Collagen Regulation in Liver Fibrosis
Characterization of Mechanisms Controlling Translational Regulation of Type I Collagen in Liver Fibrosis as Target          for Novel Anti-Fibrotics and the Regulation of Neural Tube Closure during Embryonic Development
Characterization of Mechanisms Controlling Translational Regulation of Type I Collagen in Liver Fibrosis as Target for Novel Anti-Fibrotics and the Regulation of Neural Tube Closure during Embryonic Development
Epigenetics of Stress and Addiction
Epigenetics of Stress and Addiction
Understanding the Functions of Vimentin Filaments in Collagen Expression and Targeting Vimentin Filaments for the Treatment of Fibrosis
Understanding the Functions of Vimentin Filaments in Collagen Expression and Targeting Vimentin Filaments for the Treatment of Fibrosis
Diurnal Rythems in the Rat Main Olfactory Bulb
Diurnal Rythems in the Rat Main Olfactory Bulb
Establishment of Novel Techniques for the Analysis of the Yin Yang 1 Interactome and the Role of Serine 247                 Phosphorylation
Establishment of Novel Techniques for the Analysis of the Yin Yang 1 Interactome and the Role of Serine 247 Phosphorylation
Sex Differences in Molecular Pathology in the 5XFAD Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Sex Differences in Molecular Pathology in the 5XFAD Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Sex Differences in the Effects of Low-Dose Ketamine in Rats
Sex Differences in the Effects of Low-Dose Ketamine in Rats
Sex Differences in Anxiety and Depressive-like Behaviors in Rats
Sex Differences in Anxiety and Depressive-like Behaviors in Rats