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27 items found in collection [showing 1 - 27]
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Florida State University Skiff Registrations
Florida State University Skiff Registrations
Disposal of the Anton Bruun
Disposal of the Anton Bruun
Sale of Surplus Property at Alligator Point
Sale of Surplus Property at Alligator Point
Research Vessel Eastward Cruise
Research Vessel Eastward Cruise
Turkey Point Facility Upgrade and Funding Requests
Turkey Point Facility Upgrade and Funding Requests
Ship Chartering
Ship Chartering
Installation Process of Private Aids to Navigation at Turkey Point Channel
Installation Process of Private Aids to Navigation at Turkey Point Channel
Fleet Insurance, Certifications, and Applications
Fleet Insurance, Certifications, and Applications
Florida State University Oceanographic Institue Coastal Facilities Projects
Florida State University Oceanographic Institue Coastal Facilities Projects
Concerns of Florida State University Alligator Harbor Facilities
Concerns of Florida State University Alligator Harbor Facilities
Acquisition - Ship
Acquisition - Ship
Dredging Operations at the Oceanographic Institute Coastal Facilities
Dredging Operations at the Oceanographic Institute Coastal Facilities
Research Vessel Bac-T
Research Vessel Bac-T
Research Vessel Southern States
Research Vessel Southern States
Research Vessel Seiche
Research Vessel Seiche
Private Aids to Navigation at Turkey Point Channel
Private Aids to Navigation at Turkey Point Channel
Research Vessel Drogue
Research Vessel Drogue
Research Vessel Requirements by Florida State University for the period July 1966- July 1969
Research Vessel Requirements by Florida State University for the period July 1966- July 1969
Boat Sale and Radiotelephone Service Cancellation
Boat Sale and Radiotelephone Service Cancellation
DSRV Experiment at Carrabelle Marina
DSRV Experiment at Carrabelle Marina
Applications for Boat Certification Numbers
Applications for Boat Certification Numbers
Acquiring New Research Vessels
Acquiring New Research Vessels
Placement of Spoil at Turkey Point
Placement of Spoil at Turkey Point
Missing Link
Missing Link
United States Oceangraphic Ship Operating Schedule
United States Oceangraphic Ship Operating Schedule