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11 items found in collection [showing 1 - 11]
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Institutionalized Piracy and the Development of the Jamaica Sloop, 1630-1743
Institutionalized Piracy and the Development of the Jamaica Sloop, 1630-1743
Grand Shell Ring
Grand Shell Ring
Spatial and Temporal Analyses of the Harbor at Antiochia ad Cragum
Spatial and Temporal Analyses of the Harbor at Antiochia ad Cragum
Archaeological Epigraphy and Epigraphic Archaeology
Archaeological Epigraphy and Epigraphic Archaeology
Question of Bias in the North American Fluted-Point Sample
Question of Bias in the North American Fluted-Point Sample
Osteometric Analysis of Southeastern Prehistoric Domestic Dogs
Osteometric Analysis of Southeastern Prehistoric Domestic Dogs
Formative Period Ceramic Figurines from the Lower Río Verde Valley, Coastal Oaxaca, Mexico
Formative Period Ceramic Figurines from the Lower Río Verde Valley, Coastal Oaxaca, Mexico
Sensor Fusion
Sensor Fusion
Analysis of Faunal Remains from the Bird Hammock Site (8WA30)
Analysis of Faunal Remains from the Bird Hammock Site (8WA30)
Burial in Florida
Burial in Florida
Native Americans' Treatment of Dogs in Prehistoric and Historic Florida
Native Americans' Treatment of Dogs in Prehistoric and Historic Florida