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14 items found in collection [showing 1 - 14]
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Impact of a Standardized Cognitive Information Processing Intervention on the          Career Decision State of at-Risk Youth
Impact of a Standardized Cognitive Information Processing Intervention on the Career Decision State of at-Risk Youth
Predicting Quality of Life of College Students Diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Predicting Quality of Life of College Students Diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Impact of Social Model Agent Type (Coping, Mastery) and Social Interaction Type          (Vicarious, Direct) on Learner Motivation, Attitudes, Social Comparisons, Affect, and          Learning Performance
Impact of Social Model Agent Type (Coping, Mastery) and Social Interaction Type (Vicarious, Direct) on Learner Motivation, Attitudes, Social Comparisons, Affect, and Learning Performance
Construction of a Measure to Assess the Development of Resilience in Adolescents of African Descent
Construction of a Measure to Assess the Development of Resilience in Adolescents of African Descent
Relationships Among Overt and Covert Narcissism and Vocational Interests with Respect to Gender
Relationships Among Overt and Covert Narcissism and Vocational Interests with Respect to Gender
Goal Instability in Relation to Career Thoughts, Career Decision State, and Performance          in a Career Development Course
Goal Instability in Relation to Career Thoughts, Career Decision State, and Performance in a Career Development Course
Using Interest Inventory Profile Elevation to Predict Depression and Anxiety in Individuals with Disabilities Resulting from a Personal Injury
Using Interest Inventory Profile Elevation to Predict Depression and Anxiety in Individuals with Disabilities Resulting from a Personal Injury
Career Indecision, Negative Career Thoughts, and Vocational Interest Structure of First-Generation and Other College          Students
Career Indecision, Negative Career Thoughts, and Vocational Interest Structure of First-Generation and Other College Students
Validity of the Addiction Prone Personality Scale
Validity of the Addiction Prone Personality Scale
Self-Directed Search Interest Profile Elevation, Big Five Personality Factors, and Interest Secondary Constructs in a College Career Course
Self-Directed Search Interest Profile Elevation, Big Five Personality Factors, and Interest Secondary Constructs in a College Career Course
Relationships Among Neuroticism, Dysfunctional Career Thoughts, and Coping Strategies
Relationships Among Neuroticism, Dysfunctional Career Thoughts, and Coping Strategies
Career Decision Making Experiences of College Students in the Visual Arts
Career Decision Making Experiences of College Students in the Visual Arts
Associate Degree Programs of Public Administration in United States Public Community Colleges and Junior Colleges
Associate Degree Programs of Public Administration in United States Public Community Colleges and Junior Colleges
Maladaptive Cognitive Schemas as Mediators Between Perfectionism and Psychological Distress
Maladaptive Cognitive Schemas as Mediators Between Perfectionism and Psychological Distress