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11 items found in collection [showing 1 - 11]
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Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element Approximations for the Reflection and Transmission of Waves from Moving Material Interfaces
Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element Approximations for the Reflection and Transmission of Waves from Moving Material Interfaces
Assessing Food Choices after Gastric Bypass Using a Multi-Food Meal Pattern Monitor in a Rat Model
Assessing Food Choices after Gastric Bypass Using a Multi-Food Meal Pattern Monitor in a Rat Model
Central Extensions of Simplicial Groups and Presheaves of Simplicial Groups
Central Extensions of Simplicial Groups and Presheaves of Simplicial Groups
Application of Particle Tracking Velocimetry to Thermal Counterflow and Towed-Grid Turbulence in Helium II
Application of Particle Tracking Velocimetry to Thermal Counterflow and Towed-Grid Turbulence in Helium II
Oxytocin Receptor in Sensori-Motor Circuits and Its Association with Hypothalamus          Activity
Oxytocin Receptor in Sensori-Motor Circuits and Its Association with Hypothalamus Activity
Characteristic Classes and Local Invariants of Determinantal Varieties and a Formula for Equivariant Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson Classes of Hypersurfaces
Characteristic Classes and Local Invariants of Determinantal Varieties and a Formula for Equivariant Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson Classes of Hypersurfaces
Artin and Dehn Twist Subgroups of the Mapping Class Group
Artin and Dehn Twist Subgroups of the Mapping Class Group
Bayesian Neural Networks in Data-Intensive High Energy Physics Applications
Bayesian Neural Networks in Data-Intensive High Energy Physics Applications
Gustatory Cortex
Gustatory Cortex
Improvements to the Efficiency of Time-Dependent Coupled-Cluster Methods
Improvements to the Efficiency of Time-Dependent Coupled-Cluster Methods