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4 items found in collection [showing 1 - 4]
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Persistent-current switch for pancake coils of rare earth-barium-copper-oxide high-temperature superconductor
Persistent-current switch for pancake coils of rare earth-barium-copper-oxide high-temperature superconductor
Persistent-current switch for pancake coils of rare earth-barium-copper-oxide high-temperature superconductor
Persistent-current switch for pancake coils of rare earth-barium-copper-oxide high-temperature superconductor
Test of an 8.66-T REBCO Insert Coil with Overbanding Radial Build for a 1.3-GHz LTS/HTS NMR Magnet.
Test of an 8.66-T REBCO Insert Coil with Overbanding Radial Build for a 1.3-GHz LTS/HTS NMR Magnet.
persistent-mode 0.5 T solid-nitrogen-cooled MgB2 magnet for MRI.
persistent-mode 0.5 T solid-nitrogen-cooled MgB2 magnet for MRI.